Chapter 4: Invited

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Three days had gone by since my summoning with Kato and King Aries

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Three days had gone by since my summoning with Kato and King Aries. To say I'd been dodging Kato is an understatement. Anytime the guards walked him by the palace window, I slumped in my royal throne. How pathetic. I have to keep my feelings to a minimum around the people in my Court. I can't risk either of us being executed. Love is strong. But death is stronger.

I sat at the table of my Royal Coven. My predecessors are beautiful, dangerous, and menacing. All dressed in the beautiful dark colors of my Court. Showing loyalty to me. I am amongst brethren. Make no mistake. They are powerful, but I am more powerful. They answer to me. They follow my orders. They belong to me. Every Queen needs a council. Mine just happens to be a coven of some of the most powerful and diabolical witches in the realms.

It's time to address to them the elephant in the room. Kato. "I've called the coven to discuss an important matter. The human Kato," I began addressing. Everyone shuffled uncomfortably, and you could practically hear the eyerolls. I cleared my throat to get everyone in check and continued, "Three days ago, I met with King Aries. He had an unusual interest in the prisoner and lied to me about his intentions. So, I've decided to keep the human under my protection. I do not trust the King and that will always give us an advantage."

They all tried to avoid eye contact with me. You could tell that they had opinions, but they were apparently too afraid to voice them. As they very well should be, but I need to be informed one way or the other. I need to know if I'm making the right decision. Not based on my feelings for the mortal. But based on my distrust for the Light Court.

I looked over and noticed one of my subjects was particularly uncomfortable. Gillian, a petite male with pale and pasty white skin. Eyes like a bottomless pit. He seemed anxious. "Gillian, do you have something you would like to share?" I asked.

He hesitated once more before he finally spoke, "Queen Morina, shouldn't we just kill the human? If the Light Court wants him so badly, I say terminate his existence and the problem is solved."

I knew someone would say this but I did not expect it to be him. I've always thought of him as the kindest of the coven. Meek and timid. I was obviously mistaken. Killing Kato is unacceptable. Not only is it not a solution, it's unfathomable. I can't do it.

I blankly stared at Gillian for what felt like hours. This would've already been a thought had it been a different human. This kind of thinking isn't new or helpful. And it has made me angry. "Why Gillian, you are so much smarter than me! How did I not think of that solution!?" I asked stupidly. The loud gulp that escaped his body showed his regret. This may have been a mistake. These idiots may not be best for good advice.

"Do you think I'm a fucking fool?!" I began yelling angrily. "I know what is best for my Court. You are not here to make decisions for me. You clearly are not even here to give me good advice. Your inadequacy knows no bounds. You all are merely decorations for my table!"

The coven bowed their heads in shame and nodded in unison. Their faces full of mixed emotions. You can tell each one is unhappy with my choice and my decision. All probably for different reasons. They each are twisted in their own way. But I make the rules here.

After everyone settled, I began to speak again, "Now that you all understand. I have something to add. Kato is no longer a prisoner but a guest in my Court, regardless of his mortality. He will be treated with respect until the Light Court reveals their true intentions to me." This pleased no one. In fact, it may have started a small riot.

Gasps sounded and heads turned to meet faces of other coven members. Whispers began. Mumbling. The chitter chatter of little chipmunks. As if their actions would ultimately affect my decision. I sat with my stone cold face. Almost as if it were made of marble itself, blending in with the surroundings.

I waved my hand in dismissal. One more minute with these morons and I might have just killed every last one. Every single thing is thought to be so newfangled and bad. It's like talking to a bunch of old people. And I'm old as fuck. It's like daycare trying to calm them down. They act like children. Idiots.

Thana waited in the corner analyzing me and my thoughts. She smiled at me as if knowing the questions and inner battles of my conscious mind. Did she know what I was really up to? She couldn't possibly know. Could she? It's not something I can dread on. I have to act as if everything is normal. And hopefully... It will be.

She pushed off the wall of the corner with cat like reflexes slowly pattering toward me. "Should I get your guest majesty?" she asked jokingly. She playfully curtsied and I laughed at her stupidity. I needed this. The stress has been so overwhelming it was nice to have a good laugh. However the situation at hand is so serious, it's hard to make time for silly games.

"Thana, don't push our friendship. I'd hate to have to find another leader to my Royal Guard," I said teasingly. She smiled as if she had never known the horrible acts that we had done together. As if we were children again, running through the thick brush of the forest. Dirt flying behind her feet. The sound of deer running through the trees. The rustling of leaves as the wind blew on them.

She tapped my shoulder awakening me from my daydream. "Yes," I said. "Bring Kato to me." The memories began to fade. I once believed that I had a perfect childhood. But the older I get, the more I wonder if it was so true. Then I remember times like that. And there's no possible way it could've been bad.

Kato entered through the tall onyx doors, and for a second I felt warm. True happiness. He was alone. We were alone. Truly alone. This is what I hoped for. His strides were almost majestic for a human. Something I had never seen. It was beautiful.

"Thank you for inviting me to your Court," he bowed his head. I caught myself swaying as if I were a child waiting for a cookie or praise. This moment was magical. So enchanting. I didn't want it to end.

"You are most welcome," I said with joy. "I hope you will like it here for now. It's only temporary." That is the part I myself, did not like to think about. I dread the thought of him leaving. I wish he could stay here with me. Forever.

Suddenly Kato took my hand in his, lifted it to his mouth and his lips grazed my skin. It was as if a feather had landed there. Shock and ecstasy washed over me and a small moan escaped my mouth. I can't. Not now. Not here. They will come for us. They mustn't know of any of this.

"Please! Not here! Not ever!" I pleaded, almost in tears. Mother always said love was painful. And I didn't think this was what she meant. However, this is much worse. It's a pain only true poets have felt. Heart break.

I pulled my hand from his grasp and closed the massive doors of my Court. I ran down the hallway thinking if only... If only I could close my heart as well.

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