Chapter 21: Debt

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Morina and I slipped past the large assortment of wolf pelts that hung over the entrance of the dilapidated shack

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Morina and I slipped past the large assortment of wolf pelts that hung over the entrance of the dilapidated shack. Colors from deep blonde to pure white. Coal black to the deepest of browns. The thickest and thinnest of furs arranged in no particular order. Figures. They obviously know nothing of décor.

It's beyond my comprehension to understand how even dogs could live like this. Have they not heard of urban civilization? Indoor plumbing? Doors? Have they no shred of decency? I shuddered at the thought of having to relief myself in the outdoors with these wild, flea-bitten mongrels. Surrounded by other grotesque creatures, watching me. That's no way to live!

If it wasn't for this prophecy, I could be sipping mimosas on some mortal beach filled with scantily clad women. Ah. I can practically smell the sea breeze now. Wait, that's shit. I smell shit. I stepped in shit. I am appalled. Instead, this is my day. Filled with smell of rotting trees, and feces. Getting hit in the head with flying objects. Being escorted like a prisoner by hounds. And on top of all of that, being used as some kind of bargaining chip.

As I stepped into the hovel, the scent of shit faded and must crept into my once pure nostrils. The floors probably creaked louder than Morina's mattress at night. I mean, louder than something less sexual.

The old hag walked toward Morina and I, holding out her hand towards me. Eww! It's so wrinkly!

"Morina, I see you've brought me a gift," she said in rasp and breathless tone.

I looked to Morina beseechingly. "Please. Spare me," I mouthed in hopes that Morina cared enough for my safety. But her smile widened into a playful grin. She most definitely does not care. How rude. I would never do something so cruel and unusual to her. Except maybe hide Kato, tell her he's dead and blame it on Thana. Oh! Lightbulb! There's an idea for Yule!

Morina's voice became cheery, "Of course I did! Since you've been expecting me. I'm sure you're aware of my intentions. Favors are never free in our realm, and I'm sure Ken is MORE than enough payment."

I stared at her in disbelief. I may be a sex god, but that is with my consent. How could she use me as some victim for old lady sex games? I'm not a prostitute! No mere whore! And even if I was, I have some standards. This was low even for her.

The hag looked me up and down as she licked her dry, cracked, almost nonexistent lips. I fought to keep down the bile that began to rise in my throat. Hold it back, Ken. Don't let them see you sweat old man. There's got to be some way out of this.

"As tempting as that might be. My request is not as simple. One day in the foreseeable future, I will call upon you to collect my payment," she began with her creepy voice.

Morina's voiced changed from cheery to more concerned, "What will the payment be?"

"Whatever I want, child. If I ask for it, it shall be granted to me without question," the hag's voice echoed throughout the ramshackle of a home. I knew what this riddle meant. I've used it before.

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