Chapter 10: Destination

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It has been 3 days since I've seen the beautiful black eyes that occupied my thoughts and felt the touch of the soft lips that danced with mine

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It has been 3 days since I've seen the beautiful black eyes that occupied my thoughts and felt the touch of the soft lips that danced with mine. 3 whole days. But it has felt like an eternity without her. Is it worse that I know she's here, and she's avoiding me? As each second passes, I lose faith in myself and what we have shared. But only by a minuscule amount. Most of me still hoped for something more to come of this blossoming romance.

Time seemed to move slower in this land. Days were longer and the nights seemed to never leave. The sky was a battleground. The moon always fighting with the sun for some kind of imaginary territory. Or maybe it was real. There's so much to learn about this place and the fascinating creatures that run free.

I'd have little to no choice to but sit and watch as they dueled, as I was left to my own devices without the Queen by my side. Sunlight would continue to linger as the moonlight trickled in. After about a day and half, I began to side with the moon. It became a familiar face in the crowd of stars that would swirl around me and Morina on our nightly visits. Visits which seemed to disappear like the fog hovered over each spindle of grass.

The moon reminded me of her. It's beauty. It's glow. So elegant. Regal. The essence of darkness, yet it's a source of light. That's what she was. Whether she realized it or not. And as each moon passed, I'd begin to miss her more and more.

It was my fault. I let out the dumbest four-word sentence of my life. After ruining just about everything else in my life, of course I had to ruin the one thing that actually made me feel valuable. Wanted. Needed. Yearned for.

I paced in my room as all of these thoughts stacked on my chest, crushing my lungs and crippling my airway. This night is too important. So much pressure. It's the night of the Summer Solstice. The grandest and most spectacular party in all of the realms. And I haven't even seen my date in 3 fucking days.

How can I muster the self-confidence to stand next to the most undeniably gorgeous and fiercest queens of the Shadow Realm, especially now when she probably is terrified beyond belief because of the words that uttered my lips when we last spoke? That's clearly why we haven't spoken. That and my ineptitude as a homo-sapien.

Here I am, just a worthless, puny human. Maybe Morina realized that I'm as worthless as my mother suggested. Maybe she's not willing to risk everything to be with someone like me. Which is unfortunate, because I'd risk my life just to be near her.

As I began to torture myself, my guardian angel knocked on the door. No hesitation, she confidently strode into my room with no look of apology for intruding.

"Hello Kato. You look very handsome." She admired my black tux that was so dark, it was as if the fabric was cut from the deepest part of a black hole. I smiled at Thana and thanked her for her kind words that I so desperately needed.

She nodded and smiled at me for reassurance, "You know my Queen has been distant lately, but it's not your fault. Don't lose confidence Kato. I know she loves you too. Just show her how you feel tonight."

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