Chapter 26: Ayden

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Kato looked at me in disbelief and horror

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Kato looked at me in disbelief and horror. His eyes turning to everyone in the room. Embarrassment and shame filled his face as he backed slowly out of the chamber. He quickly turned around and ran outside the comically large doors of the castle. As I heard them shut, uproarious laughter ensued. I lifted my guilt-ridden head up and seen everyone amused. Painful faces of sheer glee.

Dismay and anger rose within me. And it finally exploded. "Quiet! Yu sunshine snobs!"

The room grew silent. Everyone stared at me in fear, and King Aries guards readied themselves for battle.

"No need for that boys. I've killed enough of the King's playthings today. You're going to need the few you have left," I spoke sternly.

King Aries chuckled slightly while looking around to his constituents, "And what exactly is that supposed to mean?"

I grinned with delight, "You have no idea what you've done, you foolish man. For someone who was so fond of a prophecy, you should've read the fine fucking print!"

"Watch your tone girl!" He ordered.

"I'm no longer a girl! Nor do I belong to you anymore! You've started a war, and you will lose. Mark my words old man. Today the death of the Sun begins," I threatened with every fiber of my being. His eyes widened and he stayed silent.

I yanked the chain of my traitorous captive, Celeste, "And you! Consider yourself dead!"

I drug her out of the room and followed in Kato's footsteps. Loud gasps and cries echoed as I reached my exit. I couldn't help but smile at what I had just done.

As I opened the door, I raised up my arm shielding my eyes from the powerful sunset. I yanked Celeste closer to me and pushed her down the stairs. After her moaning and wincing falling down, I warned her, "Run away, and you'll die today."

She rolled her eyes and began shaking off the debris on her clothes. "Keep rolling those eyes bitch and I'll take extreme pleasure carving them out!" She huffed. That's what I thought, I said to myself.

As my vision adjusted, I seen Kato near the entrance of the gate. He was staring off at the sunset. This is not the way I intended he find out. Nonetheless, I feel incredibly remorseful. I've broken Morina's trust by saying anything about the pregnancy. And I may have ruined a budding relationship with a somewhat decent human.

As I made my way across the lush greenery, pulling Celeste behind me; Kato must have heard my footsteps or the clinking of the chain, because he turned around and met my eyes with a face of fury. Sigh. Here we go.

"How could she keep something like this from me? And you, I thought we were friends. How could you do this to me?!" His tone so stern, unable to breathe from his seething rage. Yet, he never raised his voice. His anger was controlled. Something, I'd never seen before.

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