Chapter 13: Transparency

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The solstice was long gone

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The solstice was long gone. Summer was coming to an end, as its final sun went to sleep. The forest began to grow dimmer and dimmer, but I needed this time alone.

I ran faster through the trees pushing my legs to their limit. I felt the cool, misty air brush past me as I moved swiftly. I jumped over moss covered logs with ease. Slicing low hanging branches with the glistening armor that grows from my pale skin. The ominous sounds of the night began to creep in. Faint scratches. Scurrying. Howling. Growling. All creating a symphony that was both eerie and beautiful. I felt eyes on me as I ran.

My heavy breathing echoed through the abundant flora. This had once been my home. Blackmere, a stunning village with kind people now completely eradicated. Kids would play and run wild. But no more. My people had been wiped out due to my father's greed. He was so foolish, but I loved him. If only he had cared less about his status. His wealth. Maybe. Just maybe... We wouldn't have lost everything.

I'm the last of my kind. Unless, you count my father. But no one, not even I did. Since his banishment, he is more like a ghost. Haunting my once treasured dreams. And though I've tried so many times to forget, sadly I cannot.

I picked up more speed in frustration, making my way towards the village that held my now foreign childhood. I hadn't stepped foot here since the executions of my people. The Light Fae unleashed the power of the Seirios star upon us.

The village flashed in my mind as it burned slowly. The screams ringing in my ears. Mothers and children running rampant with tears streaming down their faces. Houses falling to pieces of ash. And worst of all, the smell of burning flesh. I could still smell it. It made my stomach flinch. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

The overwhelming memory distracted me so much that I didn't notice the leftover rubble that littered the ground. I lost my footing, crashing into debris. The loud thud of my body smacking into a boulder could have been heard by any creature nearby. Fuck! I've just put myself in a horrible predicament. Contrary to popular belief, the Dark Court is not actually safe during a moonlit sky. Even for a skilled warrior, like myself. The night is dark and full of terrors.

I searched the surrounding tree line without any sudden movement. I couldn't feel any threat, but you could never be too careful. Danger lurked around every corner. I pulled myself upright and stretched. Then I seen it. Everything. Gone. I had never actually looked at it since it's destruction. Once known for it's rich and luxurious beauty, this village was now a wasteland. No building, no home stood in the area. Just fragments. Ash. Bones. And even dried blood.

As I look in disbelief, I see something peaking out from the rubble. It was a pastel pink and blue blanket. One for a small child. But it wasn't just any blanket. It was mine. It was the last thing my father had given me before he was erased from our land. This nothingness was once my home. I could feel the gravel slipping between my fingertips as I picked up the relic from my past. How is it possible that this is still intact? Out of everything. This blanket is all that's left.

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