Chapter 25: Confrontation

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I pushed passed the onlookers of my beloved's Court

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I pushed passed the onlookers of my beloved's Court. Their noses constantly sniffing out drama. Their eyes filled with intrigue, tongues sharp with gossip, and brains apparently nonexistent.

I couldn't blame their interest in the show Thana was performing for the Court. Dragging Celeste around the palace like a dirty show pig. I pictured people throwing food at her like some kind of social pariah. Instead, they gave stern judgmental looks as if they were better than her. When in fact, they were all probably in on it.

Everyone grinning from ear to ear maniacally, hoping to see some violence. Thana made a lengthy speech about how disloyalty ended in an untimely death. You could see heads cower and people walk away during her just tirade. After managing to threaten the entire Court and cause half of them to flee in fear, we somehow found our way out of the dark palace.

Celeste was still being "escorted" by Thana. Pulling her faster after noticing that she had a horrible, wobbling limp. She was more so restraining herself from dragging her completely. I almost felt bad for her, but then I remembered she called me a lapdog. And I thought her being treated like a wild animal was fitting.

"Hurry up! You walk slower than the human," Thana notioned behind her passively towards my direction.

Okay. This was getting old. I'm gonna say something. "Could you possibly not use my mortality as some sort of demeaning retort?" I asked with a sense of seriousness. Unfortunately, I was not a fan of her reply.

"Kato, regardless of whether you like it or even realize it, you will forever be 'The Human'. It's your calling," Thana lectured.

Sigh. I crossed my arms and tucked my hands. Celeste may be the one who's prisoner, but I'm the one being treated like trash. Hmpf. I can be rude too.

"Well, at least my calling isn't what we call in the human realm, being friendzoned," I immediately regretted the words that left my lips. She stopped in her tracks, and slowly turned her head around to look at me. Her eyes menacing. Uh oh.

She yanked Celeste and continued on. Maybe that was too soon, but oh well. I can't take it back. I'm just getting tired of everyone's comments on my humanity. I don't go around ridiculing them for being nonhuman. And I could because some of them are weird. Especially that Gillian guy. He gives me the creeps.

I must have gotten lost in thought, because the next thing I remember was a glint of light soaring passed me. I ducked towards the dirt in fear. What the fuck?! I spun around to look back at large dagger lodged into a rotting tree.

"You tried to kill me?!" I yelled in disbelief.

"Thanks for stating the obvious human. Next time move slower," she kept moving toward the large stable house.

I can feel my heart beating violently in my chest. I can't believe she just did that! I know what I did was wrong but Jesus Christ! I don't deserve to die because of it. Note to self: No longer fuck with Thana.

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