Chapter 9: Kato

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My nights have been overtaken by secret rendezvous with Kato

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My nights have been overtaken by secret rendezvous with Kato. Meeting him in secret was thrilling. I felt like a teen again, sneaking out to see my lover. We would talk for hours wandering the grounds. Staring at the stars. Enjoying each other's company and the breathtaking views. And as every second passed I thought to myself, I could do this forever if I had too. It was such an invigorating rush.

One night I had come to sudden realization. He had been in this realm for a while. Shouldn't he be homesick? Or at the very least, his family must be searching for him. As we sat on the fresh grass looking to the heavens, I asked him, "Kato, don't you miss your family? Your friends? Your human life and experiences? Surely you must miss something or someone miss you."

He was quiet for a moment. Searching his mind for something to say. And the words he spoke hit close to home.

"My human life was meaningless. My relationship with my family was less than significant. I mean, I loved them... But they've hurt me too many times," pain stuck to every word he forced out. I could tell this was hard for him to talk about. But I needed to know more. I wanted to help him somehow. Maybe there was a way I could.

"What do you mean they hurt you?" I asked. I couldn't possibly imagine what he was going to say next. Nothing came from him and he turned his face from mine. It hurt me deeply to think he couldn't trust me with this information.

The past couple weeks of our gatherings were wonderful. I had never known joy like this. Nor had I ever felt it. Sharing our secrets and goals. We had told each other so much. His likes and dislikes. His favorite foods. How he likes to wear his luscious hair. Conversations with him always felt so... natural. Like we'd known each other for a lifetime. But not once in these weeks did he mention anything about his old life.

It made me curious. I wanted to know him. Inside and out. Everything. His mystery not only intrigued me, but it excited me. I had never talked to a human like this. Or for this long. I felt like I couldn't attain enough knowledge about him. I needed to know more. I needed to truly know who he was. I had never really cared to do this with anyone in my Court, aside from Thana. But the words that left his lips shook me to my very dark core.

He cleared his throat, and the world became silent. It was as if the trees leaned in interested in what this human was going to say. Lending their ears to his confessions. The wind stopped and the air grew thin, as if we were on a mountain top. The stars in the sky even stopped shimmering, as if to give him the opportunity to speak. Mother Nature was listening intently. Unfortunately, her heart would be broken. Just like mine.

He told his story like he was reading it from a book. He spoke holding back geysers of tears, "My father left when I was young. I guess he grew tired of us one day, because I woke up one morning and he was gone. He was very abusive to mother. And even more to me. I was ecstatic that he left. I was sick of being beaten every day. But my mother... She still loved him regardless. And it was that love for him that turned her into him. She blamed me for everything. Him leaving. His abuse. His drinking. He had never wanted kids. So when I was born, it was big disappointment. For both of them. I guess she figured I was the cause of his problems."

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