Chapter 2: Confusion

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As I laid in my bed thinking about the events of today, confusion washed over me

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As I laid in my bed thinking about the events of today, confusion washed over me. Again. How could the Light Court be so careless? These asinine actions could cause a war on our people. I tossed and turned, but I could only think about him. Kato's face floated around effortlessly in my mind and I tried to stop my restless thoughts. Sleep evaded me and I craved more thoughts of the human. I imagined that sheepish grin, and how his lips perfectly turned upwards into his smile. So luscious. A soft pink, like that of a rose. Were they soft to the touch? My eyes snapped open and I shuddered in disgust.

          "Get ahold of yourself," I whispered so low, the words practically never came out. My feet hit the cold floor and sent a jolt up my body making me quiver. Shaking the thoughts of Kato out of me. Or at the very least trying to. I welcomed the feeling it gave me. My door seemed so far as I walked towards it, and placed my hand on the knob. I fought the urge to turn it and step out into the hallway, but I lost.

          I walked the barely lit hall, and I could hear hidden creatures lurking in the shadows. Quiet slithers, faint scratching, and soft patters were all that accompanied me and my footsteps. After a while, my eyes adjusted to the darkness. Giving me time to marvel at the beauty that is my castle. Every brick. Every marble slab. Every candle, breathtaking. And uniquely terrifying.

The halls turned into the court yard and I opened the glass doors. Snow melted under my feet as I walked to the prison wing. What am I doing? Can I be anymore desperate? A loud snap of a fallen branch caused me to turn around abruptly and interrupt the interrogation of myself.

A tall, dark haired man slipped out of the shadows covered in a red and gold cloak that flowed behind him. At first, I was startled. I wasn't expecting company. I then realized this wasn't company. It was actually some god punishing me.

"Queen Morina! How lovely to see you. Question is, who are you happy to see?" he asked with a devilish grin and condescending attitude. I rolled my eyes, "Ken, how do you always have the time to be a raging pain in my ass?" I asked with sincerity. He laughed lowly. God, I hate this ass hat. "Well, it tends to be a gift of mine that I happen to admire. Speaking of gifts, I heard you received a rather human-like surprise today," he toyed with me. Knowing it would push my buttons. He loved to piss me off. Ken, much like me, gets enjoyment from torturing others. Only his torture is worse. It's sarcasm and being a complete asshole. He's a trickster, much like Loki, only... worse. I have to be careful how I answer his questions.

I hesitated for a slight moment as I chose my words. "Old friend, you take my civility for you lightly. Do not question me about the business of my court." He cocked his head as if he was struggling to compose his inner thoughts. A laugh escaped him, "Civility? Morina, we've known each other since the beginning of all realms. Tell me. Why are you wandering your grounds? Are you going somewhere?"

Rage began to rush through me, "It's none of your fucking business, you sadistic asshole. What I do in my court, is my business. I suggest you leave while you still can." He loves to test my patience. And one of these days. I'm gonna fucking kill him.

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