The Hour of Bedlam

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Toni's POV
We just saved Cheryl from the Sisters of Quiet Mercy, and I brought her back to my trailer. She asked me to sleep beside her so I did.
I wake up, 3:00 in the morning, alone.
Maybe the drugs are making her vomit again.
I get up, grab a blanket and go out into my kitchen.
"Cheryl?" I ask
No light are on, I can't hear her at all.
What the hell? Where did she go?
I get a call from Sweetpea.
"Hey Pea, is this important? I'm kind of busy,"
"Are you looking for a red head?"
"I might be," I say "why?"
"Because she's on your steps, she's okay- from what I can see and she's just sitting there,"
"Thank you so much," I say
"Bye T,"
I hang up and go outside. She is sitting, on the steps alone.
"Cher?" I ask softly
She jumps a bit and turns around.
"Hey Toni," She says "I'm sorry you scared me,"
"It's ok Blossom," I laugh "but you shouldn't be outside alone, this isn't gated in like Thistlehouse. There are some scary people,"
"I choose to believe that no one will hurt me tonight," she sighs "I used to do this all the time, sit on the porch, look at the stars. You know why 2, 3 am is my favourite time?"
"I don't," I say intrigued
"Contrary to most fairytales, the darkness in my life was always asleep in these early, dark hours. It was always peaceful. I was free, and if I was happy as a child, it was only in the hour of bedlam,"
"The hour of bedlam?" I ask
"Bedlam was an old English word, used to describe a scene of uproar or confusion. But I thought when I was a kid, I thought it meant to be in control of the chaos,"
"You like to chaos don't you Blossom?"
"Love it," She laughs
"So you're out here.. why?" I ask
"To see the stars, I haven't had fresh air in weeks," she sighs "plus if some big bad guy came after me I was hoping a cute gang member might come save me,"
"Oh it's after 1 am Sweetpea is passed out drunk by now sweetie, I wouldn't count on him," I joke
"Sweetpea isn't my type," she laughs "but you're right I wouldn't want to count on them, can't have them saving me twice in one day,"
She gives me a soft smile
"Cmere Blossom," I laugh
I put the blanket around my shoulders and drape it around hers as well.
"You're going to be ok Blossom,"
"I don't know Toni," she sighs "I have no friends, I have no clue why you're being so nice to me, I've been a class 10 bitch to you since we met, my mother hates me, the entire school would rather see me dead and the only person that cared even a little about me is dead,"
"I care," I say "I always will care. You're a great person Cheryl, I can tell,"
"How?" She half laughs, thinking I'm lying
"Because were one in the same Blossom, my sister died, last year. My uncle kicked me out for being bisexual and now I'm here,"
"Do you believe in fate?" She asks
"I don't go as far to believe that everything is set in stone- that you can't change your future. I believe that sometimes people come into your life for a reason, and that maybe, just maybe, those people will help you make it out alive," I say
She turns and kisses me
Man she's a good kisser.
I pull away.
"Cheryl I like you, a lot, but if you aren't ready- I can't get hurt. I won't survive Blossom, but I under.."
She cuts me off by kissing me again.
"I've waited my whole life to be happy, waited since I was young I dreamed of finding a girl as amazing as you are," she says looking in my eyes "I'm not waiting another minute to be happy,"
I smile and nod
"And you shouldn't, you deserve it," I say "do you want to be my girlfriend?"
"Yes Toni," she smiles "I would love to be your girlfriend,"
I smile and she cuddle into me.
We sit there, under the blanket, looking at the stars for a while. In a comfortable silence, I my arm around her, protectively and she yawns.
"Maybe we should get you inside Cher," I say "it's getting late,"
"A couple more minutes?" She asks
I laugh and kiss the top of her head.
"Hey Topaz?" A voice asks from the darkness across the street "you got payment yet?"
"Let's get inside," I say hurrying her up
I turn and see a familiar ghoulie who's mugged me before standing under the street lamp
"Why do skiddish?" He asks
I get Cheryl inside, turn around and lock the door.
"Who is he?" Cheryl asks a little scared
"I also might have a habit of staying outside during the hour of bedlam, and I was mugged," I sigh "he likes to run it in my face,"
"Oh Toni," she says pouting "that's terrible,"
"It's my own fault C," I say "let's get to sleep, we have to meet Veronica in the morning,"
"Ok," she smiles
I wake up with Cheryl half on top of me and nuzzled under my chin, on top of my collarbone. I'm glad I make her feel safe, or safer than usual. She starts to stir and I kiss her temple.
"Good morning," I smile as she opens her eyes
"Hey ba.." she says before stopping "Toni, hey Toni,"
I half laugh at her embarrassment.
"You can call me babe Cheryl, it's ok," I say
"I'm not good at relationships," she sighs rolling so she can properly face me "I don't know the rules,"
"Well one, I think this is going to be a non traditional relationship because neither of us like rules or being normal," I laugh "and two, I can help you out, I haven't been in many relationships but I've been around healthy ones,"
"One rule though," she says
I raise my eyebrow confused
"We do not end up like Betty and Jughead," she says
"Boring after a while eh?" I laugh
"Intolerable since they're both weird," she sighs
"Ok, we will not be boring or intolerable weird people," I laugh
"I've never been in a healthy relationship, I don't know if you would even want to help me through this, you probably have your own life.."
"Well Blossom, actually my old life problems have all either hit walls or I dealt with them so I can put all my energy into helping you,"
She laughs and buried her face in a pillow.
"Oh the first thing we have to talk about is you covering your face when you laugh,"
"It's embarrassing,"
"It's cute, and you're cute and I don't want you covering your face,"
"Why not? I don't even have make up on?"
"Well because I can't kiss you when you're covering your face," I say pecking her lips
"Oh? Then you're right, no covering my face," she smiles
"The second, make up- you aren't wearing any around me,"
"Veto, I have to wear makeup, I look ugly without it,"
"You talk about my girlfriend that way- I'm going to have to beat your cute ass up," I joke "but seriously you look amazing without it and you don't need it around me,"
"Fine, unless we're in public,"
"Deal," I say "which reminds me, are you ready to go public?"
"Yes," She says confidently
"Are you sure? Don't come out for me, I'm ok either way,"
"No I'm good," she says "I think it would be good to be myself. And any haters.."
"Can talk to me in the school parking lot," I cut in
"I was going to say, can say goodbye to their social status at Riverdale High but I would love to see you kick someone's ass," she laughs
"We have to meet Veronica now, I promised."
"Ew why?"
"She had her doubts, about leaving you here, with a girl you barely knew,"
"I know you,"
"She doesn't know that,"
"And She was right to have her doubts, you let me go outside without a coat on," she teases
"That can't be blamed on me!" I laugh
We get up and I change into a new bra and jean shorts, but I turn around and Cher's just standing there looking at the dumb sisters of quiet mercy dress.
"Babe? You ok?" I ask softly
"I just really didn't want to put that back on," she sighs picking it up
"And you don't have to," I say "ever again, why would you wear it,"
"It's the only thing I have and I'm not going back to Thistlehouse,"
"I know it's not your style, but you can wear anything in my closet, anything at all," I say
"I don't want to be a pain," she says looking at the dress "it's ok, I'll put it back on,"
"Cher, if you go to Pops in that dress, Veronica will murder me on the spot for being so dumb. Now I can pick you an outfit but I would pick it yourself because I suck at matching clothes,"
"They're your clothes, you pick,"
She hums and picks out some jean shorts, a bra
"Pick underwear too," I say seeing her glance at the drawer "it's all clean, I don't want you getting an infection from the stuff they gave you at that place,"
She nods, grabs underwear and a shirt
"Well I was going to wear that shirt," I joke
Her face drops
"I'm so sorry.." she starts
"I'm kidding babe," I laugh "I haven't worn that shirt in months,"
She puts it on.
"Plus it looks better on you anyways," I wink "you good to go now?"
"I am but you are still in a bra," she says
"Good point," I laugh
I throw on a shirt and grab my serpent jacket, just in case we run into someone outside. We go outside and Cheryl jokingly pushes me. She tries to run away, but I grab her hips and pull her in to a kiss. I still had my jacket in my hand so I drape it across her shoulders.
"You're a really good kisser," she smiles against my lips
"So are you babe," I giggle
"TOPAZ!" A voice yells
I look over to the cusp of the small hill beside my trailer. Jughead, Tall Boy, and Rover are standing at the top
"Jughead, What's up?" I ask
"What's she doing here?" He asks pointing at Cheryl and walking down to even ground
"None of your business, get a life," I say getting my back up
"She can't wear the jacket," tall boy says "she's not a serpent,"
"Plus she's a Blossom, we're not allowed to associate with them," Rover adds
"You guys aren't the boss of me," I say "I can associate with anyone i want,"
Cheryl shrugs the jacket off and gives it to me.
"Babe it's fine," I whisper
"I don't want any trouble T," she whispers back
"We have to get to breakfast," I say "I'll talk to you guys later,"
"Oh I get it Toni, Tommy was right- you are a whore," Rover says
"Shut the fuck up Rover, you know my uncle was an asshole,"
"Ya don't kid yourself Rov," Jughead smirks "Blossoms the whore, Topaz is just an idiot,"
"What did you just say?" I ask handing Cheryl my jacket and taking a couple steps towards him
"You're an idiot?" He says innocently
"Not that," I hiss
"Toni please don't do anything, please," I hear Cheryl plead "please,"
I ignore it- I can handle Jones. The other two won't hurt me.
"You mean that Blossom is a whore?"
"One more time Jones," I warn "don't make me hit you,"
He smirks and takes a step forward
"Blossom. Is. A.."
"What's going on?" Sweetpea asks coming out of his trailer
I see Cheryl standing beside him, she must've knocked on his door.
"He's calling my girlfriend a whore," I say
"She gave her jacket to a Blossom,"
"But Red is cool," he says "she had us over for pizza a couple weeks ago,"
"Red is a Blossom," Tall Boy says "and Toni isn't allowed to associate with a Blossom,"
"Toni can do whatever the hell she wants, we have a bloodline that runs further than any of yours," he says "scat, before I make you,"
They all mutter and walk away.
"Thanks Pea," I say "we need to meet Veronica, but I can meet you and Fangs at the whyrme later?"
"Just text me Tiny," he says "see you later Red,"
He hugs Cheryl and then goes inside.
"You shouldn't have knocked, what if it wasn't Pea?"
"You told me he lived across from you, the closest trailer is half a mile or up the hill, it had to be his," She says
I laugh and we drive to Pops
"Finally, I was going to put out an amber alert for a missing red head," Veronica jokes hugging Cheryl
"Blame Jughead," She says
"We always do anyways," Veronica laughs
"Babe, you two catch up- I need to go to the bathroom," I say kissing Cheryl's cheek
"Ok," she says
I hurry to the bathroom and then back.
"Hey baby," I say sitting down
"Hey babe," she laughs "I was telling Veronica how you let me outside,"
"You were quiet, and I found out right away,"
She rolls her eyes.
"I have to take this call T," she sighs
"Ok, babe, I'll be here,"
She climbs over me and Pea outside
"She hasn't been this happy since I met her," Veronica says
"She's special,"
"You like her though, right?"
"How could I not?" I ask"she's perfect,"
"That's a good answer," Veronica laughs
"I promise I like her, I want to help her, get better,"
Cher comes back in and sits beside me.
"It was my horrendous mother," she sighs
I kiss her temple for a few seconds
"You're never going back there C, I promise on my life,"

Part 2?

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