marry me- ch.10

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        The big day. So much excitement happens. It's like a first day of a new adventure. It's like the first day on the job everything is new and your just excited to get out there. Your ready to start this new life and the forever. 

        It was time. Lucas stood in the station ground floor. I was waiting until it was my time. Travis walked with me " it's time, you ready?" I smiled " more than ready!" Travis held my arm as I walked " thanks for doing this..." Travis looked at me  " you kidding me? It was my honor." 

        The moment I met Lucas's eyes I felt the love. I was excited and I just wanted to hold him. Travis kissed my head and hugged me " go get married!" I looked at Lucas, he looked at me. His eyes got teary " your so beautiful Victoria!" I smiled " you look so handsome Luke!" We held hands standing there. All our close people were here. The people that really know us or who have come to know us through our tragedies. 

        Ripley looked at me " Victoria you've taught me what love is. You've given me what I have always wanted, to laugh, to be happy, and that everyday is an adventure and that is an adventure that I'm excited to go everyday of our lives... I promise to be by your side everyday and to you love you until we take our very last breaths." I looked at him " Lucas Ripley, you've taught me what true love is. you've taught me that true love is out there and we have that. I'm glad I get to experience that with you everyday for  the rest of our lives. I promise to stand by your side and to treat everyday as a new adventure. I love you Lucas Ripley." 

The Chaplin asked " Lucas do you take Victoria as your wife?" He smiled " I do" The Chaplin then asked "Victoria do you take Lucas to be your husband " I do very much so" 

and now you may kiss your bride. 

We kissed and nobody was there. It was just us in our new own world. 

I want it with you! | A #Vicley Fanfic story | Station 19Where stories live. Discover now