RISK! - CH.18

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         Detecting danger and tragedy it's unheard of. There is no detecting when tragedy is going to strike. It just happens and we never know why. Things happen and the reason can't always be said. You just hope that when tragedy hits that someone is there waiting to help. 


Luke and I ran towards them. 

I looked at an unconscious man with a woman standing over him   " what happened"   

She freaked out " i.. i... don't know. He was in the water and then next thing I know a huge wave hit and he went down." 

I leaned towards him to listen for his breath sounds " he's not breathing.... he must have got hit hard. was he under for long?" 

She was startled " a few minutes..." 

I tried to find a pulse " he has a pulse it's there did you call 911?" 

She nodded, crying " ya they said they were 5 minutes out..." 

I looked at her " ok i'll have to CPR until they get here..." 

She looked at me " you have to do something! you have to help him!" 

Luke looked at her " listen... look at me. That's my wife and she's a badass firefighter from Seattle and we both are. We've seen much worse than this so your.... he's gonna be ok." 

She calmed down " ok..." 

The paramedics came. They shocked him and he was okay. 

The woman smiled " thank you!"

 I smiled " just doing my job even out of Seattle....

" She smiled " Jess and that's my boyfriend Taylor."

 I smiled " well good luck to the two of you..." 

I want it with you! | A #Vicley Fanfic story | Station 19Where stories live. Discover now