good things do happen to us- ch.54

802 12 4

10 weeks 

Baby is big as a strawberry. The little critter is measuring at about 1.2 inches long and weighing about .14 ounces. 

Luke held my hand as we waited for the ultrasound. Dr. Delucca put the gel on my belly. It was small. I could wear a lose shirt and still nobody would know. 

The doctor looked at the ultrasound. I looked at the monitor " is something wrong...? please tell us" She looked at us " no no... everything's great I just wanted to be sure. see those two almost circles" I nodded " ya" She looked at us, as the hearts beated " i'm picking up on two heartbeats" I looked at her " ok" She looked at us " Vic your having twins!" 

I thought about it for a second. I looked at Luke "... as in two" She smiled " yes two... twins. congratulations!"

Luke and I were alone " this is amazing news!" I kissed him " we were blessed with two" Luke kissed me" yes we were. we are. see good things do happen to us." 

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