risky - ch. 28

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The risk was what we took. We know what were doing but when it comes to our loved ones. We can't accept the bad that can go wrong. We want better.

Meredith performed an ultrasound " there's blood in her belly and" Maggie finished her sentence " and there's no fetal heartbeat..." A nurse popped in " her husband is here and he's asking for an update..." Maggie nodded " he was my patient I can go talk to him..." 

Maggie walked out there. I met her eyes " Dr. Pierce" She looked at me " Chief... I'm sorry we had to meet like this" I looked at her " please how's Vic?" She looked at me " let's sit ok.." 

I sat " what is she ok? is everything ok?" She looked at me " she's stable. Dr.Grey and Dr.Hunt are still working on her. she has some bruised ribs, blood in her belly so she will need surgery." I looked at her " surgery is the baby ok?" She was silent " Chief I'm so sorry but the baby didn't make it..." 

Dr.Grey worked on Vic. She woke up " Lu... Luk... Luke! where's look?" Mer looked at her " Vic your ok your at the hospital." She kept saying " I want Luke" 

Dr. Grey went to the waiting room " Maggie she's asking for him" Maggie looked at him " I can take you to her..." 

I saw her laying here. it was hard. I couldn't look at her like this. I sat next to her holding her hand " Victoria I'm here your ok. I'm here now." 

She got weaker

 Dr. Grey looked at us " we need to get her to surgery now!" I kissed Vic's hand " love you Eggy! I'll see you soon." 

I want it with you! | A #Vicley Fanfic story | Station 19Where stories live. Discover now