1. 32 "I Hate What This Has Turned Into"

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Night. At the club.

Everyone was drinking and having fun. We were all just waiting for Bobby to arrive. I was sitting on Happy's lap laughing when suddenly the music stopped as a car approached and pulled up in front of us.

I stood up.

Clay and Tig walked to the two guys that got out of the car.

Clay "Garage is closed. "

Guy 1"We're not here for, uh, car repairs. I understand you're a Camacho fan. "

He handed Clay a cigar box.

Clay "Who are you? "

Guy 2 "Just dropping by to give you a little friendly advice. "

Clay "And what advice would that be? "

Happy put an arm around my shoulders and we walked over to them. We stopped next to Juice.

Guy 1" We feel it would be best for all concerned if you stop dealing arms to the One Niners and the Mayans."

We all started to laugh.

Clay chuckled "I don't even know what you're talking about. We're just mechanics and Harley lovers. "

Tig " That's one of Darby's guys back there."

Guy 1" Mr. Darby is one of our supporters. "

Clay " Mm. Expensive car. Hell of a suit. All your teeth. Must be the top of the Aryan food chain, huh? "

Guy 1 " What you do for a living is between you and your maker. I'm not here to adjust your moral compass. This is just a reality check. You're a criminal and you're done selling guns to color."

We heard a gun cock. Tig.

Guy 1 "Are you gonna shoot me, Mr. Trager? With all these witnesses? "

Clay " Look, uh, I don't know what Darby told you and, uh, I don't know what your angle is, but let me be real clear. Nobody threatens SAMCRO. And nobody tells us what we can and can't do. Black, brown or white. So, why don't you just climb back into your little German clown car and drive back to Nazi town? 'Cause the next time you piss all over my shoes, he will kill you. I don't give a shit how many witnesses there are. "

Guy 2 "My shop opens in a few weeks. Until then... enjoy. "

They walked back to their car and drove away.

Clay "I want to know everything."

Juice nodded " You got it. "

Chibs "Good work. "

Gemma walked to us "Who the hell's that? "

Clay "Ah, friend of Darby's. Nothing to worry about. "

suddenly the music started to play loudly again.


I saw a car pulling over and cheered "Yo! Bobby's back!"

Bobby got out of the car alongside Stahl.

We all cheered and laughed.

Juice put Bobby's cut back on and we all hugged him.

Clay yelled "Bobby! Welcome back."

They hugged.

The police left.

I hugged Bobby "Welcome back, big guy!"

He laughed "oh, how much i missed you, princess"

I giggled and he let me down.


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