Papas + Copia HC - Werewolf

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Request: Copia and the papas finding out s/o is a were wolf. cause why not. im curious.


Papa I: Shockingly enough, this Papa is the most afraid. His normally steely expression and hard demeanor fall away. How could he not have noticed? How could you not have told him sooner? He starts to freak out. What does this mean? How will this change things? How will this change you relationship? you assure him that it wont. You just wanted to be honest with him and decided it was time that he understand the real you. the only difference is that now he knows why you don't leave the house on full moons, instead of just telling him you don't feel well. It takes him a long time to come to terms with everything, and puts a big strain on your relationship. Just when you begin to think maybe it won't last, and that things are over for you two, he sweeps you off your feet, apologizes for needing so much time, and promises that no matter what furry creatures you turn into, he will always love you.

Papa II: Does as much research as possible about ever single werewolf story he can find, and myths, and every little piece of knowledge that might help him understand what you've revealed to him. none of it works. none of it is real. he asks you so many questions your head spins. you begin to wonder if hes going a little mad. He decides he wants to see you change. See you in action. see what you can do. When you finally agree, and show him what your other side looks like, at first hes frightened. he didn't expect you to be so.... big. but very quickly, the fear wears off, and he's back to normal papa. "I guess I just had to see it for myself to really believe it. I love you, tesoro. no matter what. Okay? I'll never leave."

Papa III: Much like Nyx said if their s/o being deaf hc, I think the youngest Emeritus processes things with humor. After the initial shock of finding out his girlfriend turns into a furry hell monster bent on fury every full moon, he decides to have a little fun. Test the waters. Every time you go on a walk through town, he makes jokes about people protecting their dogs. "Don't eat that one, it's cute." You laugh. "Shut up, Papa, I don't eat dogs." "I know, but you do love to stick your head out the window when I'm driving. I think I've even seen you hang your tongue out. Honestly, I'm surprised I didn't notice sooner."

Cardinal Copia: This man is afraid of his own shadow when he walks too fast - which is why you're so shocked about his reaction. He's extraordinarily calm about the whole situation. Had he found out in another way, such as watching you change for the first time, he may have been a little more frightened, but since you had the chance to sit down and talk with him about everything, and assure him that you have everything under control, he's been surprisingly understanding. He asks a lot of questions, about how it works, and when it started, and if it hurts to change. You answer them to the best of your abilities. It takes a little processing time, but once he fully understands what exactly you're going through, it's like nothing ever changed.

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