#Sp Chap-1 pt.3

134 16 14


4 days later

Chanyeol and his father are invited to meet Jihyo and her parents in a restaurant


"Chanyeol are you ready?" Chanyeol's father said from behind the door
"Dad come in I need your help"
His father opened the door and came into Chanyeol's room "Dad what do you think?" Chanyeol said straightening his suit with his hands

Chanyeol's father saw his son in the suit standing tall. His tears started building in his eyes "My boy is a man now" "Awwh dad not now plz I'll take that as you look perfect ,let's go we'll be late"

They got into the car about to move when Chanyeol's father remembered "Did you get the
ring?" "Oh no" Chanyeol said checking his pockets "I'll be right back father" He rushed out of the car and into the house

AFTER 3mins

"Sorry father I had to make you wait"
He started the engine and off they went



Chanyeol POV

Chanyeol and his father had arrived 11 minutes late "I'm sorry we're late" Chanyeol said as they entered the private table where Jihyo and her parents were sitting

"It's ok son we weren't on time either " Jihyo's father replied They all sat at the table *My girl looks gorgeous as always* Chanyeol thought

They arrived and Chanyeol was on fire *something about him is charming tonight maybe the beautiful smile of his that was gone for days, gladly it's back now* Jihyo thought

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They arrived and Chanyeol was on fire *something about him is charming tonight maybe the beautiful smile of his that was gone for days, gladly it's back now* Jihyo thought

They arrived and Chanyeol was on fire *something about him is charming tonight maybe the beautiful smile of his that was gone for days, gladly it's back now* Jihyo thought

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The parents where chatting when Jihyo felt a slight kick on her leg from under the table, she looked up and it was Chanyeol signaling her to check her phone

Jihyo opened her phone to see 2 messages from Chanyeol *couldn't he just say it I'm right in front of him* she thought


Channie💋 : babe can I talk to you for some time
Channie💋: I mean can you excuse yourself to the washroom or something?

Jihyo : can't you just say it like now on the phone if you don't want our parents to hear.?

Channie💋 :No I can't
Channie💋 :Come out I'll be waiting

"Excuse me father, Mr. and Mrs. Park I will go out to give a very important call" Chanyeol said as he stood up and head out *Aish this guy*

"Excuse me too I have to use the washroom " Jihyo said and bowed to them before she left
She saw Chanyeol standing waiting for her, she walked towards him "Oh that was quick honey thought you'd leave me waiting for some time, but thanks" He said and pecked her on the lips, he then pulled her from her wrist to somewhere.

Now they're standing in the restaurant's balcony *wow this is beautiful* Jihyo thought. He held her shoulders and looked into her eyes intensely "Jihyo we've been dating for a while now and you don't know how much I've come to love you, you've became my breath, my heart beat, my consciousness and my soul, I'm not alive without you and that's why I wanna make you mine" he continued as he knelt on one knee "So will you be my past, present and my future? Park Jihyo will you marry me?" *OMG I don't know what to say, I'm too happy I can't talk* she thought, but all she did was nod her head as a YES, he put the ring around her finger and hug her but then they burst out crying, we broke the hug "why are you crying I'm the one supposed to cry?" Jihyo asked "I'm just too happy" He said while cry-laughing, he then hugged her again and she felt the veins on her wrists started glowing feeling these overwhelming feelings of love

*No no no this isn't the time now* Jihyo hugged Chanyeol even tighter because if he broke the hug and saw her wrists she's doomed for real "let's stay like this for a bit more plz" *Well...at least until this stupid glow fade* Jihyo told herself still hugging him tight
"Ok,....I love you"
"I love you too"

They went back to their table and sat in their places "Kids we have made our decision" My father said "Dad, Mom I need to tell you something, sorry for cutting you dad" Jihyo said and raised her hand to show them the ring "I've proposed to Jihyo, I hope you don't mind and give us your blessings and support Sir" Chanyeol cut me off as he stood and bowed to my parents gaining their attention, my father looked back at me *Shit I'm dead*

"If you didn't cut my wor-.." "I'm really sorry dad I didn't mean to interrupt you I was just..." "You're interrupting me again let me finish" " Oh sorry father" "If you didn't interrupt me earlier I would've said the same thing" "what?" Jihyo and Chanyeol said in unison "We have decided to get you married but seems you kids were faster" He said and they all started laughing

"But I can't" Jihyo said lowering her head "And why is that?" Jihyo's father asked with one eyebrow raised "Because....oh dad come on you know"She said "Is it because you're not a human?" Chanyeol's father said "What? How did you know?" "We told him" Jihyo's parents explained in unison "Chanyeol I....I really.....tried to tell you" I said at the edge of crying "And you did ,at the park" Jihyo looked at him and he was smiling "Okay then to us becoming a family" Jihyo's father raised his glass


Jihyo POV

It's my wedding today, today is the day I give up on everything my power, my strength and myself for my new family
The legend says if a red veined female Marry a human and give birth to his child all her powers will fade away and she'll become a simple creature that depends on food to survive
But I'm ready to sacrifice cause my colour is red which means love and Sacrifice You can say I was born to sacrifice (It is in my blood🎵)

THE END.....

This is the end of #Sp Chap-1 thankfully, I hope you liked it

INFO: Jinae's mother is a color creature aka she has a colour to represent her and her powers
Each colour take over the character's personality which means they don't choose whom to be
In simple words; colours chooses their destiny

MORE INFO:○Jihyo (Jinae's mother): RED> excitement, energy, passion. It can symbolize desire, power, speed and strength. On the other hand, it stands for aggression, danger, violence and war. This means Red is the 3rd strongest colour in my book.

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