#Sp Chap -11 pt.1

90 11 1


Jungkook POV

I opened the front door and rode my bicycle towards the school, I saw her standing next to the back gate playing with her powers by creating little purple sparks from her index finger and throwing them up in the air like fireworks.

I observed her actions from afar and saw how beautifully she smiled to each and every spark she created *If you just knew what you're capable of * I thought and a smile was drawn on my face, I walked towards her but she didn't notice me as she was into her sparks.

I cleared my throat and that startled her, she hid her hands behind her back "I can see you're planning on becoming a firework factory?" I said sarcastically but all she did was glare at me "You're not even a bit funny" she said but then she suddenly darted her eyes towards me and asked "You know about it don't you ?"

"About what?" I played dumb "You know exactly what I'm talking about" She said aggressively "OK ok calm down, yes I know, I know everything about you" I answered but she raised one eyebrow, crossed her hands and smirked "Do you perhaps have a crush on me?"

"WHAT? no way" I scoffed "Explain then" She commanded "We're famjggf" I couldn't say it *Shit jungkook, this is gonna be harder than I thought* "We're what?" She said with a serious tone *why is she being so mean right now?*

"We're family" "what do you mean?" She asked "I mean we're relatives, you're my cousin" "Cousin? But not my mother nor my father had siblings" she said "Didn't your mom tell you anything about her sister?"

"My mom has a sister?" Her eyes widened "Can we sit and talk about this somewhere else cause it's gonna take some time" I said and pulled her with me to a café near by.

I walked into the café till we reached an empty table a bit far from the other tables "sit here" I command and she sat with no hesitation, I sat infront of her and started telling the story.

Authors POV 


"Our grandfather loved a white sparvein, but they couldn't be together, but even though they used to meet in quite places with no soul to be seen as it was the only way to see each other, they loved each other so much and promised to fight for there love"

"But our grandfather was forced to get married to a black sparvein instead, anyways she gave birth to a red veined baby girl, the white sparvein he loves wasn't shocked as he always let lust take over him but still her heart was shuttered into pieces and she left him and disappeared. His wife the black Sparvein then ran away with her baby without anyone noticing but after days they found the baby but not the mother , they say she was killed with a reverse spell, the strongest spell among any other spell, even black Sparviens are weak against it but thankfully only few Sparveins can master it"

"our grandfather then tried finding his love the white Sparvein for 6 whole years, after seeing him suffer she came back herself and they got married, soon enough she had a red veined baby girl too, the two girls grew up to be our age and that's when they found out that both of them are in love with the same yellow Sparvein, the daughter of the black Sparvein fought with the daughter of the white Sparvein and chose love over family while the daughter of the white Sparvein chose family over love and decided to not fight her sister over a man even though she was really hurt"

"The daughter of the black Sparvein aka the older sister fallen deeper in love and because love is blind she was blinded by him and didn't see his bad sides. She ended up running away with him but little did she know that he was just playing with her feelings but that was too late to say cause by the time she knew she was already holding his baby inside of her, he betrayed her and his son, she was lost, didn't know where to go to nor whom to talk to. When her stepmother aka the white Sparvein knew she didn't hesitate to bring her back and told her to keep the baby. But the sisters never uttered a word to each other"

"When the baby was 2 years old they were abandoned from there kingdom
-Colsparkveinure- with some other people because they broke the royal rules and so they ended up here, the two sisters decided to move on with their lives away from each other"

TO BE CONTINUED............

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote ☆

I know it's a bit confusing but I hope the next chapter will clarify the confusion 

《Colsparkveinure》 👇
Just imagine 😂

《Colsparkveinure》 👇Just imagine 😂

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INFO: 《Sparveins》is the name I invented for Jinae and all the characters who have such powers in this ff

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INFO: 《Sparveins》is the name I invented for Jinae and all the characters who have such powers in this ff.
      《Colsparkveinure》 is the name I invented for their kingdom, I know it's long but easy to pronounce.

I know I'm weird but I couldn't find the right name online so I had to create one😂

Love y'all ❤

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