#Sp Chap +

73 10 35

Taehyung POV

After 3 days of skipping school. I decided it's time to go back to my normal life.

I looked at the mirror, my face was as pale as snow. My eyes looked tired because of all the crying I did after every dream I see Jinae in. I can't believe I actually let her go, just like that. I wish I could bring back time but I know life doesn't work that way.

I walked out of the bathroom, grabbed my school bag and wore a black hoodie on top of my uniform.

I walked downstairs to see my mom awake along with dad on the dining table "good morning son" my dad said when he noticed me.

"Good morning" I replied lifelessly. I sat one one of the chairs looking at all the delicious breakfast my mom prepared. I took two bites and got up, I had no appetite.

I bed my parents goodbye and walked out of our villa. Looking back at it, it reminds of of Jooeun. Her father helped my father's company when it was crashing down. I'm really thankful to them but that doesn't mean that she has caused enough damage to me.

I continued walking towards the school when I spot Jungkook walking infront of me. I decided to fasten up the pace maybe he has something to say, or maybe something I wanna hear.

"Hey" I said to gaining his attention "oh, hey Taejerk" Jungkook replied with a hand wave and a smile.

I chuckled at the nickname he gave me. *But why isn't he sad about Jinae? Am I the only one hurt here?* I sighed

"So, you finally decided to attend school?" Jungkook asked "Yeah, it took me a while to realize" I replied "realize what?" He questioned curiously

*realize that there's no use of staying in my room crying like a little girl and that if I and Jinae were meant to be, destiny will bring us together again*

"Nothing" I said and took bigger steps not wanting him to see the tear that had rolled do my cheek uncontrollably.

We finally reached the gate, everybody was looking my direction.

I put the hat of my hoodie above my head and walked towards my class as if no one is there.

I can see all their fake faces behind those masks. Nari greeted Jungkook while Jimin sent me a dirty look. I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

I entered the class but stood to observe the area my love used to sit in. I held back my tears and sat on my chair. Opening my small journal, I wrote down my feelings in it.

Students started felling the class. Everyone was looking at me, surprised that I'm back to my old self, maybe even worse.
The cold silent boy that wanted no friends, because it has always been better this way.

She was the only reason he was ready to change.

Jooeun came running into the classroom "Oppa, I missed you soo much, why didn't you pick up on my calls" she said approaching him.

His dead gaze trased her figure until it reached her eyes. He held in his anger, and stood walking pass her hitting her shoulder.

"Yah, Taehyung!!!" She yelled stomping her feet.

Without thinking twice, he was already on the rooftop. Sitting quietly in his usual place, staring at the sky blankly. He remembered her and how her eyes spoke nothing but love to him.

He took a deep breath as he recalled all of their moments together, bringing a smile onto his lips and a tear into his eyes.

The rooftop's door was heard being opened but I didn't even care to spare the visitor a glance.

Then he saf next to me but to my surprise there was someone else too. It's was Jungkook and Jimin.

"Hey Taejerk" Jungkook said "Hey" I replied with a smile looking at him. "So, what are you doing here?" He asked as Jimin just sat next to us silently.

"Jungkook, if I had all these feelings towards her, how come I was still confused, I mean I'm obviously so in love with her" I spoke

"Oh, so you were thinking about Jinan" Jungkook said "Okay now listen buddy, we skipped our class for you, so what we're gonna do is, we're gonna spend the day together, you know bro night or whatever they call those, we're gonna help you feel better by interacting with people, I know you don't wanna do that but you have to" Jungkook said

"Jimin what's the first thing to do?" Jungkook asked the muted Jimin "Since I'm the expert here in fun, step number one is skip school, more like escape the school" Jimin said with a smirk

"Are you out of your mind? What if we got caught?" Jungkook asked

"I like it, let's go" I said and stood "Yeah, that's the spirit" Jimin cheered and raised his hand for a high five but I just looked at him coldly and walked away. I heard him cursing me under his breathe which made me chuckle silently.

Later that day

"Thanks guys, I'm glad you came and found me" I thanked them as we all sat across from the river after a long day of adventures.

"Any time buddy" Jimin smiled patting my back "Yeah Taehyung you can hang out with us whenever you feel like it" Jungkook said "Taehyung?" I aske surprised that he called me by my name instead of Taejerk.

"Yeah, isn't that your name" Jungkook shrugged "Thank you" I whispered smiling to myself.

*I wanna become a better person, at least for her*

*I'll wait for you*


Bonus chapter cause why not
+finally 1k 🎉
+I hope you enjoyed this book and are looking forward to Season 2 -THE CHOSEN: it's me- where Jinae is Jijerk and Taehyung is Taehyung

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