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Author POV

Jinae, Soyeon, Jungkook, Taehyung, Jooeun and Nari were all in the detention room, with Mrs. Choi supervising them. They were all sitting quietly, minding their own business when the door suddenly burst open, coming in Jiyoo with an angry Namjoon

"Jiyoo, you don't want me to take strict action against you, you won't like" he scolded "but Mr. Kim, he was hot" Jiyoo replied while tidying her uniform. Namjoon slammed his hand against the door "JIYOO" startling everyone in the room

"I'll have to talk to your guardians about that" he said and walked out closing the door behind him "yeah, please do so" Jiyoo commented and sat on one of the chairs next to Jooeun "what was that all about?" Jooeun asked

"I was in the middle of making out with one of the workers the school rented to repair the boys washrooms when Mr. Kim interrupted" Jiyoo explained "Omg, no you don't" Jooeun said "oh yes I did" Jiyoo smirked " they both burst out laughing.

"Girls quiet" Mrs. Choi spoke "that's ma girl, what about the man? You know he'll lose his job" Jooeun asked lowering her voice "I don't even care, he shouldn't have played naughty with a student" Jiyoo replied. They both giggled, that's when Mr. Namjoon was back with three paper.

"These are the tasks you'll be given, I've put you in pairs, you better finish all the tasks on this list before 7, otherwise these tasks will be your daily school works" Namjoon handed the papers to Mrs. Choi and left

"Nari and Soyeon please come take your task list. Next, Jinae and Taehyung. Lastly,
Jungkook and Jooeun, you two will work together" groaned were heard from everyone except Jinae and Taehyung, they were happy that they'll spend time together, even if it's a punishment.

"What about me?" Jiyoo asked "I have no idea dear, maybe-...."

(Student Kim Jiyoo, the principal would like to see you in his office now)

"Oh here comes the answer to your question" Mrs. Choi smiled "Ugh!" Jiyoo growled and left the room towards the principal's office. "Ok students, I'll be leaving now, take care of yourself" Mrs. Choi said before she left.

Everyone had their tasks list in their hands "why do we have to clean the washrooms?" Jooeun whined "we have to paint the walls for the music room" Jinae whispered "don't worry, your tae here is an artist" Taehyung commented "my tae?" She repeated what he said surprised "hmph, YOUR tae" he said leaning forward towards her.

She smiled but Jungkook stood between them pushing Taehyung away "remember we are here because of this" Jungkook was pissed, jealousy obvious in his actions.

"It's none of your business" Taehyung pushed Jungkook away grabbing her wrist and pulling her out of the detention room towards the music room.

Jungkook and Jooeun walked towards the janitor's closet to get the equipments they need to clean the girls washrooms first.

Nari and Soyeon walked towards the background pulling there legs behind them as if they were forced to do it, which was in fact true.

Taehyung walked to the janitor's room with Jinae holding hands while swinging them back and forth. They stood infront of it "this is it?" Jinae asked "yes" Taehyung replied and pushed the door entering a room with shelves filled with lots of tools and supplies

"How come this place isn't locked?" Jinae asked "It's never been closed before, you are just too afraid to push the door" Taehyung replied with a shrug walking towards the self with paints, they were both surprised that these all stuff could be here in one place and in a school's janitor's closet, Jinae was at ow looking around her observing every detail in the place "this is not a janitor's closet this is a whole store"

THE CHOSEN: Why me? {KTH} | ✔Where stories live. Discover now