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THE CHOSEN: why me? has finally ended. A year of writing this ff, I've changed a lot through writing it. THE CHOSEN holds a big part in my heart, my first ff. I've thought about giving up on it so many times but I'm glad I didn't. It's been a beautiful journey I won't lie.

Many thanks to the two biggest supporters for this book

I love you guys🥺❤❤❤

This ff is not just a bts ff thing, I wrote it for a purpose

1. I chose Taehyung because he's my ultimate bias since 2017 and I can't just stop loving this man, so I wanted my first book to be about him.

2. I chose it to be fictional because I've always loved this genre

3. It has a not happy ending because life isn't always happy and because I wanted it to have a moral of some kind


1. Being different isn't something you should be ashamed of 《difference is beauty》
2. Not even powerful people get everything they want
3. Love can't be forced and is not easily given
4. Never take decisions you might regret
5. Love the people around you and never lie to them, because the smallest lie might break the greatest relationship
6. Befriend people who will stand with you even in your worst state
7. Love and cherish your family,
You might wake up someday and find yourself alone
8. Be the good person even if life forces you to do otherwise

Love ya and bye
See ya in season 2
If you want one ofc 🤷🏻‍♀️
Many thanks to our bunny kookie his song 《still with you》 was with me along the last chapters
The music is calm and lovely to the ears 💜

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