Chapter 1

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The Dare .


Hey My name is Eva Marie. I am 17 years old and I'm a senior at Anchor Beach HighSchool. I am caption of our varsity dance team the dazzling diamonds . Not only am I a dancer but I am also a preachers daughter. I'm not like the preachers kids you see on tv I don't go around trying to make everybody be holy and my dad is actually cool , he let's me hang out with my friend and go to parties but yes I have curfews and a no dating rule , we agree to tell each other everything.

"Eva, here they come." My bestfriend Alex said walking up to my locker . I closed my locker and turned around. She and every girl in this school fan girl over our football team. "Ew,Alex seriously. They just walk these halls like they are gods of some sort." I said rolling my eyes. "And they aren't even that cute." I stated. "Eva stop. You know they are fine. Especially August ." I looked at Alex "Now your delusional. he is not fine." i lied August was so fine. he was captain of the football team and he was such a man whore. I picked up my dance bag and walked down the hall passing them to get the dance studio. "Hey Evaaa." Jason said winking at me as we walked pass. Jason was August's bestfriend . "Hey Jason." I said laughing and waving


"Yo look." I said pointing at Eva and her friend . "They fine as hell." i added. "Yeah she cute." August said "To bad nobody can even get with Eva." I added. "No y'all can't get Eva but i can get any girl I want. I just don't want Eva." he said closing his locker and pulling out his phone.

"Bruh impossible she won't even give you five minutes of her time."

"No she won't give you five minutes , but i can make her fall in love."

"I dare you too." I said looking over at her as she walked our way.

"because I like proving you wrong I'll do it. " he said placing his phone in his pocket. Since he wants to do it I'll give him a head start .here goes Eva

"Hey Eva." I said winking at her playfully as she walked past.

"Hey Jason." she said laughing and waving.

"Yo Eva, Lemme talk to you." I said running behind her as she walked. Her in her friend stopped in there tracks.

"what is it Jason ? I have to unlock the studio for practice." she said

"c'mon now Eva don't do a friend like that I need to talk to you." I said grabbing her hand.

"fine. can you unlock the studio? I'll be down there in five minutes. she said handing her friend the keys we watched as she walked away.

"now what is it?" she asked looking me up and down and started walking towards the studio. "Well I'm having a get together tomorrow night after the game and I was wondering if you and you friends would like to come through." I asked grabbing her bag and carrying it for her.

"I'm not a party girl."

"it's not a party just a few guys from the team and your team." I said

"fine I'll ask my girls and let you know tomorrow." she said laughing

"cool . oh and make sure you bring that girl you was just with she cute. "I said playfully

"bye Jason." she chuckled while grabbing her bag from me and going in the dance studio.

*After Practice*


"Girls Jason invited us to a kickback at his house tomorrow after the game with the football team . you guys wanna go ?" I asked while we were packing up to go home.

"Girl, I almost died of course we are." Alex said as the girls agreed with her. I laughed as girls started walking out to go home. "Ev, Can I ride with you ? I let Austin use my car today." Alex asked.

"Of course. Let me lock up. Warm the car up ?" I asked handing her the keys.


I was the last player here every night . I was in the gym lifting weights and running over all the plays in my head . Football was basically how I got out all of my aggression and anger . I looked at my phone and seen it was 9:30. I grabbed my gym bag and keys and headed out of the gym on my way out I bumped into someone causing me drop my phone and keys . " I am so sorry I wasn't paying attention." she said quickly. I looked back ready to go off. I kinda have anger problems. When I seen it was Eva I thought about the dare. "No you good ma. It was my fault. " I said calmly as she handed me my phone. "Did it break?" she asked nerves. " Nah it's good." I replied picking up my keys . she nodded her head and walked away.

"Wait." I yelled. she stopped in her tracks and turned around. " I didn't catch your name?" I said walking up to her . she chuckled and smiled. "I'm sure you know my name. but is Eva. Eva Marie."

"I know. I just wanted to here you say it." she smiled "You aren't gonna ask for my name." she laughed

"Have a nice night August."she said walking away.


"I'm home!" I shouted as I walked in the door kicking off my shoes and dropping my bag on the couch. I walked into the kitchen and saw my stepmother in the kitchen cleaning . "oh hey." she said turning around. I have her a fake smile and waved. I really didn't like her. I wasn't really a big fan of my dad remarrying after my moms death. " how was you day?" she asked "it was okay , I said rolling my eyes "where's my dad?" I asked "he's at the church. he should be home soon. why what's wrong sweetie?" I shook my head and headed up the stairs. I went into my brother's room.

"Jordan. That lady erks me. seriously." I said sitting on the end of his bed. "and what has she done to you." he said looking up from his phone. "nothing." I said looking down. "okay then." he said getting up from his bed. Jordan was a freshman and on the junior varsity football team. Every year they have this program where the varsity players mentor the JV players. "So I ran into you 'big brother' on my way home tonight." I said pulling my phone out. "And?" he said sarcastically ! "Well be like that! but do you wanna come to this kickback Jason is having after the game tomorrow? " I wanted to invite Jordan so he could get to know the boys and maybe help him get picked for the team at the end of the year. "I don't know. I don't think they want JV players there." "Well I'm inviting you because they invited me and my team so come please." My brother and I were bestfriends. " okay I'll go !" he said ! I smiled and kissed his forehead. "Thank you squirt." I joked.

"Eva seriously stop calling me that."

"fine , fine." I laughed walking out . I went into my room as my phone begin to vibrate. I looked down and Alex was texting me.

Alex 👯💅👑: When did Jason ask you about the party ?

Eva 👯❤️: It's a small get together and today when he stopped me in the hallway. btw he thinks your cute.

Alex 👯💅👑: Omg! your lying !

Eva👯❤️: I'm serious! he's a nice guy .. goofy but nice.

Alex 👯💅👑: Hmmm.. I think I will talk to him, but goodnight bestie.

Eva 👯❤️: goodnight.

I put my phone on the charger beside my bed and went to the shower.

*Picture Of Eva To The Side*

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