Chapter 5

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"Dad we did do anything." I said walking behind my dad in the kitchen followed by August.

"Eva just go upstairs." he said pulling a plate out of the cabinet.

"No. I'm going to stand hear and talk to you. You always wanna control everybody and everything you did it with mom now me." I yelled.

My dad has always thought he can just get the last word and that drove me crazy.

"Imma just go." August said heading towards the door.

"Yeah you do that." my dad said rudely

"No, I'll take you to get your car." I said grabbing my keys.

"No Jason can come get me." he said.

"You're fine just give me a minute." he nodded

"You know keep doing what your doing you'll end up just like your mother." he yelled slamming the glass plate on counter causing it to break into little pieces.

"What the hell does that mean?" I said angrily.

"who do you think your talking too? you will not speak to me like that in my house."

"Then how about I leave your house." I said storming away.

"Then how bout' it." he said looking at me.

"Okay, just calm down." Amanda said getting up.

"If she wants to leave let her. She come back as soon as she's 17 and pregnant just like her delusional mother." he shouted.

"And there it is." I said marching up the stairs to grab my things.

"Eva sweetie you don't have to go anywhere." Amanda said walking up to my room.

"Leave me alone. I do not like you ! I never have . you want to be some bodies mother so bad. you couldn't even take care of your own child. " I said pushing past her and down the stairs.

I probably took it to far. Two years Amanda's son died in a car accident after she was drinking in driving. I walked out the door followed by August and got into my car. I drove back to the school his car was the only one in the parking lot. I pulled up next to his car and put my car in park. I rested my head on the steering wheel and sighed. waiting for him to get out.

"Where you bout to go ma?" he asked running my back.

"I don't know , I didn't really think about that. Probably to Alex's." I said shrugging my shoulders

"okay well call me when you get to Alex's" he said getting out of the car.


"Wait so what happened?" I asked shocked at what Eva was telling me.

"And I can't believe he threw shade at me and my mother in one sentence." she said laying across my bed .

"I can't believe it either." I said standing in my mirror fixing my hair.

"Where are you going?" she said looking me up and down.

I had on a fitted dress and black sandals.

"Dinner with Jason." I said smirking.

"Wait are you guys like an item now ? " she sat up on the edge of my bed.

"Not yet but maybe after tonight we would be. By the way how about you come with me and I could get Jason to invite August." I said asked.

"No, you guys enjoy each other and Im just going to go over my grandparents house." she said grabbing her bags

"Grandparents?" I've never know Eva to even talk about grandparents let alone even sat that word.

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