Chapter 1

93 3 1

Season: 6

Episode: N/A


It's been a year, probably more. A year by myself. A year of embracing Castiel's gift of restoring my grace. At first, when I started my angelic battle, I loathed the feeling of my humanity slipping, the grace taking over. But now, seeing the angels who have sided with me in the war, having not spoken to anybody but them since Sam jumped in the hole. They're my family now.

My cause? Well, my cause is to kill as many angels as possible. To rid the world of angelic damage. That means I'm against not only Raphael - the current leader of heaven but Castiel. The angel who is leading the prime rebellion. I'm the side of neither. I'm the side that the stray angels who believe in neither cause go to. They don't know our team exists, I make sure if that. If anyone finds out about us, they're killed.

"Amelia." One of my followers say, snapping me out of my trance. I turn from the window of the house we currently reside, perched on the alps far away from human access. The only way in and out is flying.

"Hasdiel." I say as I look at them, my head slightly tilted, allowing my hair that now reaches my lower backs to fall off my shoulders.

"We have word of Raphael's followers being spotted nearby. We figured you might want to take charge, you've been at the house for a month now." My face must harden because they take a step back in defence. "Although, that is just a suggestion. You don't have to comply, you are the leader."

I take a deep breath and nod. "And you are my second in command. If something happens out there, you lead them. Understand?" I ask, grabbing my stolen angel blades -yes plural- and spin them around in my hands before tucking them in my belt.

I take another step towards the angel that found me a year ago. I had my grace back at this time yes, but I also had the pain of loosing my brother.

"I don't think that would be a good idea, young Winchester." I hear and spin around, coming face to face with a dark hair, caramel skinned man.

I was in a motel room, angel blade in hand, ready to drive it through my newly healed sternum. "And why not? Who are you?"

"I am Hasdiel. You have a purpose, I'm sure of it."

"Well, Hasdiel, my purpose was to be the plan B in defeating Lucifer. He is defeated. My purpose is over." I say as he steps closer to me, grabbing my wrists. I could tell he was an angel, I could see him.

"There are angels in heaven that need you, Amelia. We are lost. We have no side to follow and we believe that you may agree with our cause."

"What... what do you mean?"

"I mean, we want to stop the war. The only angels we want to keep alive are those who want nothing to do with earth. Or humans. We want out."

My face hardens and I nod. "And when that's done... you kill me. I'm not meant to exist anyway."

I can see in his eyes that he won't, but his loyalty astounds me. He simply nods and let's go of my hands. "As you wish."

"Be safe." Hasdiel says, a hand gently cupping my face. I stare at him, resting my face in his palm.



I fly down to the city, ignoring all the stares of unexpecting humans as I appear out of nowhere. I ignore their reaction to open their phones and take a photo of the girl who appeared out of nowhere. I just keep walking to the location I was given.

"Hey! How'd you do that!" Someone calls, running up to me.

I stop, turning to stare at them with a hard expression. I raise a hand to their head and watch as their body drops. I take no more than three seconds to admire my strengthening powers before turning back. Humans were scared of me, angels hated me and hunters would inevitably start hunting me. But it was my life now.

I've already killed three angels in this town, and yet they still come. When will they understand that-


I snap my head back around to the voice and my eyes go wide. Why are they here? How can they be here. My hand hovers over one of my two angel blades as I glance back towards the familiar black car I've spent many many nights in. Both asleep and awake. The others have too.

The two men standing in front of me seem pissed mega pissed. The older of the two stands with his five o'clock shadow and burning green eyes as he looks at me to both determine if it's me and determine if I need to be killed again. I'll admit, I've changed a lot in a year. My hair has grown at least 4 inches, it's worn out or braided instead of in a bun. While on a mission - like right now - I wear tight leather pants, a utility belt, tank top and heeled boots. Every weapon I own is on display because I'm an angel... well not completely but I don't like to acknowledge that human side of me. It's my weakness. I can just knock out or kill any mortal opponents who try and arrest me for having weapons.

The man beside him, I know well. I should hope so, we were in the womb together. And yet, he couldn't be more of a stranger if he tried. There was something off about him and I really really didn't like it.

"Hiya boys." I say, taking a deep breath and clasping my hands. "It's just Amelia now. No nicknames. Now, what can I do for you two?"

Driving Out DarknessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora