Chapter 30

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Season(s): 6

Episode(s): Let it Bleed, The Man Who Knew Too Much.


There's a baby crying. My baby... am I... not dead? I shoot up, my head spinning. My eyes focus on the king of hell holding my baby Celeste. She's screaming. She doesn't want to be there. But she won't use her powers. Why doesn't she... my eyes focus on the tiny metal anklets and then I'm seeing red. "Get your hands off of my baby." I hiss as I weakly stand up, still wearing next to nothing. Either they cared that little about me or she hasn't been born that long.

"Uh, uh, uh." He says, holding out a hand to stop me. "Mommy and Daughter are on time out at the moment. I suggest you go back to your room."

"I'll kill you!" I yell, taking a step forward, only to run into an Angels chest. "Nope. You first." I say and swing a punch. It's nowhere near as powerful as usual. For several reasons: I've got cuffs, I'm exhausted from child birth, and I was siphoning off Celeste's powers to throw this super man punches. He holds a hand to my head and heals me from any pain and exhaustion.

"Now that was just stupid." I punch his stomach. He doesn't flinch. But I'll keep punching. I'll kill him. I'll get my baby back.

"I'm sorry, Amelia." He says, placing a firm hand against my forehead. Everything goes black.


I snap up and look around. I'm in the panic room... ironically having a panic attack. It's so bad I don't realise everyone around me. Dean... Bobby... Sam, unconscious on the bed beside me.

"My baby, he took my baby!" I scream to nobody in particular as I storm up to the metal wall and punch it, no doubt breaking my hand from the lack of grace. But after going through those excruciating hours of child birth... I don't even care. I collapse down onto the floor by the section of wall I just assaulted and hug my legs to my chest. My covered legs... so Castiel has the decency to dress me but not the decency to give me my child back. Great.

"Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Mia!" I hear Dean snap, grabbing my head to make me look at him. "What happened?"

"What does it look like, Dean!" I snap, eyes red and puffy. "Crowley and Cas have my baby. They're going to use her for more power." I say in a defeated tone, resting my head against the cool metal.

Dean's hands stiffen against my shoulders where they moved to after I moved my head away. His fingers gripping at my grimy shirt a moment before he pulls me into a hug. "We're gonna get her back, okay? I promise."

"It's too late, Dean." I shake my head. I didn't know how much longer we had left but it couldn't be much longer if they were willing to send me back to headquarters.

"No, we've got this, okay?" I don't reply, I just grip onto his jacket tightly. "Okay!?" He asks again and, just to shut him up, I nod.

"Look what the cat dragged in." Bobby says from the door. I look up, not expecting to see him. Or, the person that follows behind him, stopping just short of the panic room entrance.
Dean and I stand up.

"Well, at least you mudfish finally got the angel-proofing right." Balthazar says. I raise an eyebrow. He was on our team? He points to Sam. "How's Sleeping Beauty? You didn't steal any kisses, I trust?" He looks to Dean while asking the question, only to lay eyes on me. "Oh dear lord, what happened to you."

"Ask the righteous asshole you follow blindly." I grumble, crossing my arms, winching as I move my fingers of my broken hand.

"I can fix that." He says as Dean and I walk up to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2019 ⏰

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