Chapter 21

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I snap to attention when I hear a gunshot echo through the building. I go to run towards the source of the sound when a painful constricting feeling suddenly washes over my stomach, causing a groan to escape me.

"Bad thing." I breath out, a hand hovering over my stomach to subdue to pain. This thing really didn't want me amongst the action. "I won't get hurt, I promise. Guns can't kill me." It was a straight out lie. My grace wasn't potent enough to protect me from human weapons. The pain doesn't subside. Thing 1 knew I was lying.

"Fine." I decide as I sit on the ground and wait for the thing to fall asleep or something. "But is your uncles die, it on you."

Rufus then walks in, seeing me clutching my stomach. Blood was all over his hands. "What happened." I say, tensing up.

"Dean shot Gwen. We thing the thing we're hunting got to him."

"Dammit. I should have stayed with him." I groan as I pull myself up.

"You okay, kid?"

"Yeah, you know, just pregnant." I mutter before realising what I just said.

"Figured as much." He says as he looks me over. "You sure you should be hunting?"

"I'm fine, Rufus. We should find Dean." I say, starting to walk again, very thankful that the thing has stopped punishing me. "Oh, and please..." I stop for a moment, turning back to him. "Don't tell anyone? I don't want them to know yet."

He gives me a hard but accepting look. "I won't tell anyone, cause it's not my place to say. But you better tell 'em kid. Soon. Don't keep it from them. They're your family." I sigh and nod before turning back around to look for Dean.

We walk back to where Dean and I were, running into Sam and Bobby and -unfortunately- Samuel.

"Was Dean with you?" Sam asks me as soon as he sees me.

"No. I went for a walk as soon as you went back in. I take it you had no luck?"

"I couldn't find him." He confirms. "Whatever got into those guys must have got into Dean."

"Again, should have stayed with him." I mutter and look down, silently scolding myself and the thing.

"And got yourself killed?" Rufus speaks up. I give him a warning look, sensing his double meaning.

"Rufus, help Samuel move her somewhere." Bobby says, indicating to Gwen's body. "Mia, you keep lookout. Sam and I will lock down here. We're gonna want to find Dean before he finds us."

"Being alone isn't safe." Rufus speaks up quickly. I give him another warning. "She should stay with you two."

"I'm perfectly capable-"

"He's right." Sam speaks up. "She should stay with us."

Bobby nods. "Okay, well, you and Samuel go." He says to Rufus.

"We're going to find him alive, Samuel." Sam says with an immense sense of seriousness. "Or I'm gonna our a bullet in your head."

Sam, Bobby and I walk through the doors of the murder house and we immediately set out to locking the doors.

"Dean should have his phone on him." I point out after locking one of the relatively heavy doors.

Sam is quick on the draw, pulling out his phone and dialling his number. We listen out for the ringing.

"Dean, put it down." I hear Rufus say. I know there's at least one gun loaded. Thing isn't going to like that. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.

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