Chapter 23

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One flayed life wire later and I'm on edge, hoping beyond Hope I'm last so that way we find the worm before I get shocked. I have no clue what a shock this big would do to me or a baby angel for that matter. I wasn't risking it.

"Who wants to go first?" Sam says as he holds the very dangerous weapon. After a brief moment of sharing glances, Dean takes off his jacket. Taking one for the team.

"You sure?" Sam asks as Dean holds out his bare arm, but doesn't let him speak out a full reply before connecting the wire to his skin. My eyes widen at how intense it was.

"Son of a." Dean says as he shakes it off, not even having time to stand up straight before Sam does it to himself. I have to pull his arm away to stop the connection. Dumbass obviously doesn't realise that when you get electrocuted your muscles tense up and stop you from pulling away. I slap his shoulder once he recovers.

"Stupid ass bitch, you should have let us do it." I snap as Sam gives the wire over to Dean.

Dean first walks over to Rufus, sprouting the first taste of protest. "Woah woah woah. Time out." He says, holding his hands in a T.

"Sorry, no passes Rufus."

"Come on I've got a pace maker."

"Then you better hope it's a good one." He says. Bobby and Rufus bicker about something that my beating heart happens to block out before Rufus gets a zap... nothing. It's 50/50 now.

Dean walks over to me and I take a step back, right into Sam, shaking my head. "No. Dean please..."

"Come on MJ. One touch and it's done."

"Dean." I hiss as Sam holds my down and pulls out my arm. Just before the wire touches my arm, sparks fly from both the weapon end and the power socket, causing us all to duck away. I use this opportunity to both pretend that it actually touched me and thank little Thing for sparking it off, knowing full well that they were the reason.

Rufus walks over to my position, now on the floor taking heavy breaths to see if I'm okay. I nod simply, staying down, not realising that he took the wire. My body was shaking, my heart was beating loudly in my ears. That was too close for my liking. Human or not... this kid was mine.

"I'm Bobby!" I hear Bobby say and I look back up, watching the interrogation from the floor near Sam, too shaken up to stand. Sam doesn't try and help me so he must assume it's from being shocked.

"Bobby my ass." Rufus says and before I can even process what's happening, Rufus is stabbed in the chest.

"No!" I scream as I pull myself off the floor, running to Rufus as Sam lowers him to the ground. There's no way in hell that I'm going near 'bobby'.

"Rufus. Rufus, stay with me." I say as I tap at his cheek to try and keep him awake but he was far too gone. Even Thing new that. I scrunch up my face and press my head against his shoulder when there's no reply. Which can only mean one thing. He's gone.


Rufus and I definitely shared a stronger bond than the boys did. Heck, one would argue even than Bobby did. And that might be why I opened up to him about carrying an angel child when I did.

But now he was gone and I was left here to deal with all this shit on my own. And then there was the monster situation.

"Well, hey there you little herpe." Dean says as monster Bobby wakes up, duct taped to a chair. I'm as far away as possible, resting up against a wall with Sam about a foot away.

"Why do you keep talking about herpes?" I ask with slight annoyance.

"What? I don't. Shut up." Dean says. Sam and I share a look. "Shut up." He repeats before turning back to the monster. "Now, don't you even think about shagging ass out of here, 'cause we got every crack in this room sealed. So get comfy."

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