Chapter 28

34 2 0

Season: 6

Episode: Mommy Dearest


We come back out of the cell, having uncuffed the kids.

"Got a couple of hungry human boys here." Dean calls out, causing Cas to walk from his position by the room. I walk them out to the break room of the facility, blocking their line of sight from the dead bodies and blood.

I sit them down at a table before turning back around to get them a snack, leaving them in the capable hands of my brothers.

"Do you have any other family?" I hear Dean ask as I come back with a few candy bars. Ryan happily digs into the stash.

"An uncle in Merritt."

"Merritt, what's that, like 15 miles outside of town? Okay. We'll get you there."

"Dean, can I have a word?" Cas speaks, causing us to look at him. Dean gets up and I follow, despite the request for a private conversation.

"We need to find Eve now." The angel insists, causing my face to harden. Who the fuck did he think he was?

"Yeah. Go. Me, Sam and Mia just gotta make a milk run."

"Actually, Just you two." I speak up, getting an excuse me look from Dean. "The back seat is cramped," I explain. "Besides, I promised them I'd look for their sister." Dean seems to accept this explanation as there is no fight following it.

"We need all your help." Cas insists

"Hold your water. We'll be back in a few." Dean says as he turns to walk back to the boys.

"Dean." He says in absolute shock. "Dean. Millions of lives are at stakes here, not just two. Stay focused."

"Are you kidding?"

"There's a greater pur-"
Something snaps in me. I grab his blue tie and yank hard, pulling his face close to mine. "Alright you listen here, chicken wings." I hiss lowly so the boys don't hear. "Don't you 'greater-purpose' us. That's what heaven does. And your supposed cause is against that. What would you do if it was her, huh?" I spit, very slightly nodding to the bump. "What if both you and I were dead, she was in trouble. Would you want her out of trouble or would you prefer the trouble to be stopped a little quicker and potentially get her killed in the process."

He contemplates it. He actually contemplates it. "Oh my god." I breathe out before slapping him and pushing him away. "You selfish dick." I shake my head and turn back to the boys. My faith that he has slowly been rebuilding for himself as a father is now slowly crumbling again.


I walk out with Bobby, Cas suddenly demanding 'five minutes alone'. If this was his game plan to get me to trust him again... it wasn't working. Because whatever he was doing, I could hear the agonising screams.

"You doing okay?" Bobby asks when I flinch again.

I give him a pained look, placing a hand on my bump. "I can't... Bobby..."

"Can't what?"

"Let him have anything to do with her." I breath out before looking down. "He used to be... I used to see something in him. You know?something I admired. But now it's just- I don't know. Somethings wrong. It fees... wrong."

The next scream is louder than the one before. I jump. "How can I let my daughter be around someone who would do that..." I point towards the room. "Just to get information? Who would consciously choose to sacrifice the safety of two kids in order to get what he wants? Speaking of, what does he want? Something just doesn't-"

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