Chapter 19

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Season: 6

Episode: A French Mistake


"Good news." Dean says as he wakes me from my most definitely needed sleep on the couch. Looking out the window I realise I slept all night. The sun was now rising. "We spoke to a homeless guy."

"What?" I say, doing a double take at his words.

"He heard Virgil speaking with Raphael." He elaborates. "A door to our world is going to open. Soon. So you gotta get your ass in gear."

"Why didn't you tell me." I hiss, pulling myself up and immediately regretting how quick it was. Again, fuck morning sickness. "Let's hurry up so I can get this baby out of me."


We arrive on the set of 'Bobby's house', preparing for a fight. That is, after I ate and threw up two times.

"You know, if we drop Virgil and get the key, this might be it." Dean says. "We might bee stuck here."

"Ugh. Don't say that." I whine, a hand resting against my bloated stomach

"We'll Fine a way back." Sam assures.

"Yeah, you wouldn't be too broken up if we didn't though."

"What?" Both Sam and I say. "Don't be stupid." Sam continues.

"Well, I'm just saying. No hell below us, above us only sky."

"Dean, our friends are back there."

"Yeah, but here, you got a pretty good life. I mean, back home, the hits have been coming since you were 6 months old. You got to admit, being a-a bazillionare, married to Ruby, the whole package. Hell, even you have it good, Mia. You've got yourself a baby. It's no contest."

I consider this. I mean, really consider this. Maybe we should-or at least I should- stay here. I mean, I'd have a kid, no supernatural forces wanting to use me to destroy the world...

"No, you know, you were right. We just don't mean the same thing here. I mean, we're not even related here, man." Sam says, grounding me from my contemplation. He was right. If I stayed here, I wouldn't have my twin anymore. I wouldn't have my big brother anymore.

"What about you, Mia?" Dean probes. I look at him, dead in the eye.

"I'm not me without you guys." I say after a moment. "And I'm not me with a kid. So... what are you waiting for?"

"Alright then." Dean says. "Let's get our crazy show back home."


"Hey!" I yell at vigil as he shoots at the crew members. He turns his attention to me and aims the gun. Oh shit. Did not think that through.

Dean is quick on the ball, tackling the dick to the ground and laying punch after punch. Sam quickly jumps in, attacking the shit out of him and taking the key. I just stood and watched, suddenly protective of the annoying little child in me.

"I got it!" Sam yells as Dean continues pummeling the bastard. I look to the window as I see a sigil start to glow.

"Guys!" I yell, getting their attention. "We gotta go!" I continue, simply running towards the glass.


I land flat on the concrete, holding myself just barely off the ground by the palms of my hands which are now grazed to all hell.

"You three... have the strangest luck." I hear a female say, looking up, I see it's just the suit.

"Raphael." I spit.

"Nice meatsuit. Dude looks like a lady." Dean comments and, in retaliation, Raphael clenches their fist, causing the three of us to drop down in pain. Sam and Dean seem to be in much more pain than me, I'm feeling nothing more than a slight irritation. But it's enough to keep me grounded that's for sure. "The key." They say, walking up to me and picking it up from the floor in front of me. Where it ended up dropping.

I go to push myself up to fight when I'm pushed back down, suddenly experiencing immense pain which quickly dies down and becomes another irritating, uncomfortable feeling rather than pain.

"And that will open you a locker at the Albany bus station."

"Really." Raphael seems both impressed and unconvinced

"You see, I needed a modest decoy to make it more convincing." And, as always, Balthazar makes it on my 'I'm gonna kill him' list

"Give me the weapons."

"Sorry, darling. They're gone."

"What?!" Can he seriously not piss this bitch off when we're not held to the ground and at their mercy?

"I said, too bloody late." Seriously, this angel has a death wish. "You see, they were so well-hidden that I needed time to find them. So, I volunteered these three marmosets for a game of fetch with Virgil. You three were such an adequate stick. Thank you."

"Eat shit." I grumble before Raphael forces my head into the pavement.

"You've made your last mistake."

"Oh, I've got a few more up my sleeve, honey." I try to fight the pressure on me, but find it increasingly difficult.

"Step away from him, Raphael. I have the weapons now. Their power is with me." A new voice - Castiel's voice - speaks up as it appears. His voice sets something off in me. It gives me the strength to pull away from Raphael's hold.

"Castiel." Both Raphael and I say. Both of us sounded pissed but in very, very different ways.

"If you don't want to die tonight, back off." Cas says, prompting a quick departure from the archangel. That left him with me. And I wouldn't back off, I wouldn't back off if he was god himself.

"You have your sword." I hear Balthazar say from beside me. I sense a double meaning in his words. "Try not to die by it."

Cas ignores my very pissed off stare, simply walking up to the three of us and returning us to Bobby's place.

"Cas, what the hell? Wait, wait, you were in on this, using us a diversion?" Sam speaks up when we land. My anger managed to keep me from loosing balance, but I'm very very aware of how off centre my whole body is.

"It was Balthazar's plan. I would have done the same thing." This ticks me off, big time. I storm up to him and punch him square in the face, sending him stumbling back into the wall behind him.

"You selfish, inconsiderate bastard." I spit, now being held back by whatever brother was closer to me at the time of the hit.

"You of all people should know, Amelia." He says as he stands up, brushing himself off and staring at me hard. "If I loose against Raphael, we all loose. Everything."

"You're no better." I say, my voice deathly calm. From the stare alone I know he knows I'm talking about our night together a few weeks ago rather than the war. That the punch was about a few weeks ago... not the war.

"I'm sorry about this." He says to everyone before focusing about on me. "About everything. But I will explain when I can." He says and flies off, leaving me seething with anger as the brother who was holding me let's me go.

"Freaking angels." Dean says and I grunt in agreement before habitually wiping down my shirt to rid it of creases when I realise a familiar feeling. The feeing of a bump that was previously not there. I ignore it. Because if I ignore it, I can pretend that I'm not carrying the product of my drunken time with Castiel.

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