Chapter 25

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"Come on guys." I complain as they go through the plan again. Travelling back to the Wild West seemed like an amazing plan. It really did. "Take me with you. I need to get out of this damn house. No offence Bobby."

"None taken." He grumbles from his desk.

"Then go to a freaking diner or something, not back in time." Dean retaliates.

"Dean, you're trusting Castiel the person who has fucked us all over. This kid has power and a shit ton of it. Take me so worst comes to worst and he can't pull you back, I can pull us all forward."

"And what if you get hurt? You're not exactly in the best shape." I glare daggers at him, my mind picturing him on fire.

"You calling me fat?"

"N-no, no that's not what I-"

"It's a Phoenix were hunting, right? I specialise in hellfire itself. Plus, we've all seen on multiple occasions now that she's not gonna let me die that easily. So I'll be fine."

I stare my brother down, I can see him giving in. "Fine." He says finally. Causing me to smile in triumph. "If you get hurt, it's on you." He says, pointing to me before looking at Cas. "And you." He adds before walking off, calling out a quick 'I'm getting supplies' before leaving.


Dean returns to a pretty hostile room. I'm glaring at Cas, trying to figure out what the hell he's doing and why. I'm not sure what he's doing but he is definitely disingenuous about what it is.

"The hell is all that?" Bobby asks, snapping me from my death glare.

"We're going native. We gotta blend in." Dean holds out a bag for me and Sam each, both of which have 'Wally's Western World' stamped onto them.

"No way." I say as Sam also protests.


"Did you even get my size?" I ask as I pull out the white dress with what seems like a faux corset around the waist. "More importantly, you thought putting a pregnant woman in a corset was a good idea?"

"It's all they had." He shrugs. "Besides, it's fake. And loose. You should fit."

I roll my eyes. "We can wear what we have, Dean."

"And look like spacemen?"

"Look, just because you're obsessed with all that Wild West stuff-" Sam starts

"No, I'm not." Dean interrupts, offended

"You have a fetish." Sam and I say together, giving him a look

"Shut up. I like old movies."

"You can recite every Clint Eastwood movie ever made, line for line." Sam points out

"Even the monkey movies?" Bobby asks, suddenly intrigued

"Especially the monkey movies." Sam and I say again

"His name is Clyde." Dean says, annoyed. Sam and I give Bobby a 'see?' look. "At least wear the damn shirt." Dean begs Sam and looks to me. I knew I had no chance at compromise. I either wore this and came or didn't wear it and stay behind.

We both let out a large sigh as we move to different areas of the house, coming out about five minutes later. To my delight, the corset wasn't completely attached so, with a little convincing at knife point, I was able to remove the part that would usually cover my stomach. It sat incredibly well with the modifications.

"What the hell happened to the rest of it." Dean says as I walk out and I shrug. "Your niece wasn't very happy with the compression so I cut it off." I say simply, tying up my hair so my regrowth isn't as noticeable. Hair dye wasn't really a big thing 150 years ago.

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