Chapter 26

34 2 0

Season: 6

Episode: Mommy Dearest


"Okay, again, I hear what you're saying, I do, Dean, but here's what I'm saying: fuck you."

"Do you really think it's a good idea to come?" Sam joins in. "You can't even walk up the stairs."

"Can too!" I protest, turning to look at him. "But that's besides the point. Are you gonna just leave me here? In this dusty old house, all alone with no decent stock of food or drink while you four piss off and save the world again? Nuh-Uh. I'm coming."

"I don't think it would be wise if you to go, Amelia."Cas says as he pops his feathery little ass into existence. I glare at him. "Can you stop doing that? Or at least warn me? It's very annoying that she literally jumps at the sound of your voice."

"My apologies."

"Bullshit. Go suck one." I mumble as I rub my rapidly growing stomach. It took longer than we hoped to find Eve or more accurately: a monster willing to spill the beans. And now they're all buckling down for a hunt. "Look, I get it. I'm carrying precious cargo and I won't be of much use out there. But I have my powers. I have her powers. I'm not going to get hurt. And if that's not enough to convince you, what about this; Eve knows this place. She probably has monsters coming here right now. If I'm left here alone, and I for whatever stupid reason you pull out of your perky little ass can't defend myself... both me and your daughter die. You choose, Castiel."

After a long beat of silence, accompanied by a very intimidating stare-down, Castiel simply flies us all to the town in question. The town where the mother of all shall be.

"Good choice." I say, patting the angel's back as I start walking down the pavement. I wasn't exactly in fighting attire but then again, most maternity stores don't stock gear for pregnant monster hunters. "Now, while we figure out how to zone in on this bitch, Baby is hungry."

"Baby? Seriously? Do you still not have a name?" Dean asks as he follows, figuring sits better for me to talk about this than the whole 'end of the world... take three' thing.

"Oh, no I do." I say simply, turning to Dean with a mischievous smile. "But unless you can read minds, you're not finding out until she's out of me."

"Lovely imagery." He rebuttals as we walk inside the diner and I shuffle my way into a booth.


"I asked for a computer." Bobby says as he plays around with a tablet. I would respond, but curly fries have my undivided attention at the moment.

"That is a computer." Sam replies as he stops eating for a moment.

"No, a computer has buttons."

"Can I get you anything else?" A waitress asks and I look up.

"I'll have another soda and honestly... anything with berries in it." I say before anyone can send her away. I feel like I haven't ate in days.

"Anything on the database?" I ask when she leaves to get my stuff.

"Nothing really." He says, placing down the tablet. "Basically a dead end. Think vampirina could be lying?"

"I'll search the town. Give me a moment." Cas says from beside me. I stare at him with a raised eyebrow. Nothing happens. He doesn't leave.

"Cas, we can still see you." Dean points out

"Yeah, I'm still here." Cas says in the tone I give him every time he says something stupid

"Okay, well you don't have to wait on us, you-" Cas interrupts Dean by groaning and scrunching up his face.

"If that's what our kid is gonna look like when she takes a shit, you can have her." I say which was a complete lie, I still didn't want him even touching her. I was slowly warming up to him, but I still very much didn't trust him.

"I'm not- something's wrong." Cas says, giving me a look.

"So what? You're stuck?"

"I'm blocked. Powerless." He says and my eyes widen. "Wait, if you're blocked does that mean..."

"You and the child most likely are too, yes."

"Oh. Great. I'd like a gun, please." I say to Bobby who just stares at me in his cranky father kind of way. I don't even try Sam and Dean, I know they're probably pissed for putting me in danger.

"Something in this town," Cas speaks up, "is, uh, it's affecting me. I assume it's Eve."

"So wait, Mom's making you limp?"

"Gross, Dean." I comment as Cas replies "figuratively, yes."


"Does it matter?" I point out and start looking for the food I ordered a good five minutes ago now.

"I don't know, but she is." Cas says, placing a hand on my lap which I push off as soon as I feel it. I half feel bad because I'm denying my daughter of love and affection from her father but counter offer; he's a dick that doesn't deserve her.

"Well, that's great, because without your power, you're basically just a baby in a trenchcoat." Dean says, causing Cas to look away with a sense of hurt. I'm rather entertained by his reaction.

"I think you hurt his feelings." Sam says and I roll my eyes, looking up when I notice the food delivery. I smile thankfully at the waitress as I start eating.

"You're gonna get fat."

"You're gonna get dead." I reply to whoever said that comment. I really didn't care who it was, the sentiment stands.

"I got something here, maybe." Bobby says. I look up from my fruit salad with cream.

"Had to go federal to get it. Call went out from the local office to the CDC last night."

"About?" I ask

"A Dr Silver called in an illness he couldn't identify. Patient's a 25 year old, African-American, name - Ed Bright."

"That could be nothing."

"It's all we've got." Dean points out. "Beggars can't be choosers, right? So let's finish up here and get going."

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