Chapter 2

52 3 0

Season: 6

Episode: N/A


"We thought you were dead!" Dean snaps as we walk out of the public eye. Apparently he has stage fright.

"I thought Sam was dead." I shrug. "But apparently not. So... how long did you get this time, Dean?"

"I didn't make a deal, Mia. We thought you might have... the price being immediate death." I just laugh and shake my head at that.

"Well, you can clearly see that I'm alive and kicking. Though... I did hear over the um- radio- that there were a few souls that got... taken... from their respective eternal resting places. I've been too busy with the war to really pay much attention to it." I shrug. Dean is glaring, Sam is studying me. Through, I am too. My eyes haven't left his. Even though Dean is the one talking.

"War? What do you mean 'war'?"

"I mean, dumbass, that I'm killing as many angels as I can and neither of you are gonna stop me." I say, finally breaking eye contact. "I'm assuming that's why you're here."

"Maybe. Cas did say-"

"You've spoken to Cas?"

"Yeah, why?"

"He's killed three of my men. Is he here?" I ask, pulling out angel blade number two. Now there is one in both hands.

"Woah, woah, woah." Sam says, holding out his hands, not daring to go near me because as I can tell that somethings not right with him, I'm almost certain that he can tell I've changed too. I used to care if I hurt these two but now I see things as they really are. These are two humans who've almost ended the world from their stupidity. If I have to kill them, I have to kill them. My family is heaven. "Your men?"

"Really Sam? That's what you take from that? Not that she wants to kill our friend?"

"He isn't your friend."

"Stay out of this." Dean points to me, turning his body to completely face Sam.

"Seriously? Priorities, man! What as gotten into you?"

I roll my eyes and cross my arms, looking back out to the street. My eyes go wide as I notice one of the angels I was after walk by. I start walking away.

Sam grabs me to stop me and my eyes glow with angelic grace as I push him off me. Not enough to send him flying but enough to scare him.

"That was a warning shot." I say as my eyes die down. "We will talk later. Maybe. If I feel like it. Until then, I have angels to kill."


"Hey, Asshole!" I say as someone takes my kill. I go to kill them in return when I realise it's Dean. I groan and put my blades away. "I don't want to talk to you right now."

"I called Cas. He thinks you're dead. So, we can talk or I'll tell him that you're the one leading the third team in the war."

My eyes narrow and I cross my arms. "Fine. But I have my angels to get back to so you better make this quick."

"I want some insurance first."

"What do you mean?"

He pulls out the warded cuffs but these ones are different. They're two thick bracelet like objects with no chains. My assumption is that despite the lack of chain, I'll still be rendered incompetent in a fight. My second assumption is they were made specially for me.

"You're kidding. Right?"

"Nope. You tried killing both me and your brother. Your twin! So, you're putting these on and we're having a chat."

"And if I say no?"

"I have Cas on speed dial."

"Of course you do." I spit, holding my arms out. He clips them on and I immediately feel my humanity seeping back in. I hate it. I want to be sick. I need to get them off! I start pulling at the bracelets in desperation. I'm starting to feel! I can't do that, it makes me weak!

"Huh... Cas was right." Dean nods, impressed. "Now I still don't trust you but I'm trying to show Sammy by good example that I don't need to knock you out to get you to talk. Can you help prove him wrong?"

"Wait, he wanted to knock me out?"

"Mm. Long story. Story you won't be getting until we talk about you."

This was a mistake. A big mistake. I go for my weapons and as soon as Dean realises that is the moment that I'm flat on the ground with blurred vision.

"Dean!" I hear Sam yell, running up to us. I'm trying to pull enough grace to heal the dizziness but I can pull through a sliver. I place my hands on the ground to push myself up but I'm hit again.

Note to self: never ever trust your brothers again.

"Sam, she's acting like- well like you."

"Dean, I'm soulless! She's just... hurting." Sam struggled finding the words to defend me. It's confusing, usually he's so good at it. He's my twin, we're bonded.

I go to speak up, to defend myself, when the pain of being human becomes too much for me. To save myself the trouble of suffering, I let myself slip into sleep for the first time in about eight months.

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