Chapter 8

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Season: 6

Episode: Appointment in Samarra


"Looking for this?" Dean asks holding up death's ring. I stand by his side with a concerned look.

"Just taking a walk."

"Sam, I'm your brother. I'm not gonna let you get hurt. I know what I'm doing." Now that I don't agree with. He's full of shit there.

"What if you're wrong?" Sam was worried. Admittedly, I was too.

"I won't let it go wrong."

"Fine." I tilt my head slightly at his reply. What was he getting at?

"Fine? So you're..." I start, mega confused.

"Trusting him." Sam nods. "Barely."

"You sure?" Dean asks, just as skeptical as me.

"Yeah. I mean, you're the one with the compass, right? Just don't mess it up."

"I won't." Dean says before turning around and walking away, mumbling something to Bobby as he goes.


Dean has been gone for a while now, leaving me, bobby and Sam to do our own things. Obviously for bobby and myself it was sleep.

"Amelia." I hear as I'm shaken awake, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I look at my twin standing in front of me. While he looks refreshed and ready to go, I look like a mess. My hair is most definitely a mess and my clothes are actually Dean's so they're big on me and are crinkled messes. Well, my pants are mine but other than that... mess.

"Sam? Why- what time is it?"

"Do you know Balthazar?"

"What? Sam did you really wake me up to ask about an angel?"

"Did you know him?"

I sigh and shake my head, giving in.

"Yeah. We have a truce going. He doesn't make a move on me, I don't make a move on him. Why?"

"Would him wanting to kill your brother be classified making a move?"

"Yeah I guess... Sam, what's going on?"

"I'll explain later, come with me." He says, grabbing my hand and dragging me out to a car he had already going.

"Sam, I'm not getting in that car until you tell me what's going on."

"I'm wanting a second opinion." He says as he gets in the car. I sigh and simply get in, not bothering with the belt. Half to see if Sam would care enough to tell me to put it on and half because I can't be bothered about safety. He doesn't say anything more for the rest of the ride.

I just sit, staring out the window of the car as he drives us to a nearby warehouse and without a word, he simply starts the summoning ritual. "Sam, if you've taken me here as your body guard it won't work. He'll know I'm powerless." I speak up as I get out of the car. Again without speaking he takes off his jacket and throws it at me to put on, assuming covering the cuffs will do something. It won't, but I'll humor him anyway because I'm honestly terrified of him right now.

He throws a match on the bowl without even looking at me, with a spark, the childish and spiteful angel shows up in front of us.

"Sam...Winchester." Balthazar says, taking a deep, annoyed breath before looking to me with a raised eyebrow and amused grin. "And the little Winchester." Dont punch him. Don't punch him. Don't punch him. "This had better be good." He says, looking back to Sam.

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