Chapter 17

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Season: 6

Episode: A French Mistake


We end up finding Dean's fake trailer and I take the liberty to lay down on his leather sofa. It felt good to have my feet up.

"Geez, Amelia." Dean says, causing me to look up at him with nothing but my eyes. He shows me a rather... revealing photo on a magazine. "Why?"

"Better question is why fake you has a copy of it." I point out as a wave of nausea hits me. I frown and close my eyes again, covering my eyes with my hands to block out even more light. "Did the spell do something to you or something?" Dean asks as he sees my reaction.

"No," I breathe out. "I don't think so. My 'costume designer' mentioned something going on so I think fake me is like, sick or something and I'm in her body so I'm getting the full front of it."

"You were sick at Bobby's." Sam points out.

"Tired." I jump in quickly. "I was tired."

"Maybe they're related?" Sam suggests, his quizzical brain working too well and making up theories that I know I won't like.

"Whatever it is, I don't like it. I want to go home."

"Yeah. No argument here. But I don't think our prayers are reaching Cas. Or the real Cas." Sam ever so obviously points out.

"Well, I agree. I think we are definitely out of, uh, soul-phone range. But..." Dean starts, trailing off into a plan

"What?" Sam And I both say

"If we can reverse Balthazar's spell... I watched every move." Dean grabs a pad and pen from the bench near him, drawing something on it. "We just, uh, get the ingredients, right, get back to that same window, and...There's no place like home."

"Great, sounds like a plan. You guys go, I'm gonna take a nap." I decide, my cold hands resting against my face.

"Usually I'd say fine but I'm not leaving you here in wonderland. So you're coming." Dean says with finality and I groan, standing up and brushing down my shirt. I freeze when I realise there's a slight bump.

"Everything okay?" Sam asks causing me to look up and nod.

"Yeah, everything's fine." I say, which was true. No need to jump to conclusions, I'm just a little fatter here than at home. Right? That makes sense, she's an actor, I'm a hunter. I'm way more active than she would be.


Everything is fake. Of course everything was fake. Even the damn impala. And now, here I am, sitting in my large ass dining room with my fake ass husband who looked exactly like my fake ass whore who seems to thing fucking and leaving is a good thing to do.

"I can't believe it." I hear Misha say after a long time of silence. I look up from my meal that I haven't even ate and tilt my head slightly, prompting him to continue.

"We'll finally have a little Mi-lyn running around." I stare at him, my brain not processing anything he just said. "You know, the mixed name we have for whenever talking about our baby? Misha and Jaclyn? Mi-lyn?"

Well fuck me. There was no denying it now. Wait, but does that mean that real me is pregnant too? God I hope not.

"O-oh." I say and chuckle slightly, trying to hide my strangeness. "Sorry, I must have baby brain." I chuckle slightly, scratching the back of my neck as I try to not have a panic attack. Fatigue, sickness... I check off all the pregnancy symptoms I've been having in the real word and I can physically feel all the colour run from my face.

"Excuse me a minute." I say as I get up and stagger through the halls of this large ass house to try and find a damn bathroom. I was going to be sick. Actual sick.

Luckily, I find one in time and just let my body take over, all the while trying to see if I had fake Sam or Dean's number saved in my phone. Once I can't do anything other than dry heave, I pull out the contacts and thank god that there is actually a number for the one and only 'J. Ackles'. I press dial and I'm immediately answered.

"Amelia? Hey, you okay?"

"You and Sam get your ass over here. Now." I demand before slumping back against the tiles and falling asleep.


I wake up in a large bed, larger than I've ever seen in my life. I could drown in this bed. It was a damn continent. I search for the end of the bed, finding a hand written note on the table, along with -thankfully- the edge.

My darling J,
You must have been pretty stressed last night if you managed to fall asleep in the guest bathroom - Wait, GUEST bathroom? - but that's okay. I called work and let them know you wouldn't be in today. Take the time to rest. You and our baby need it.
Love, M.
Oh, and P.S. Jared and Jensen were over looking for you. I sent them home but you should probably give them a call.
Oh, and P.P.S. I won't be home until late today, I have that banquet to go to. I'll get you some take-out though for when I return.

Great. So I was a pregnant wife with a working husband. I narrow my eyes and slide out of bed, getting changed into some disgusting looking clothes. Granted, they were the only ones that fit me. A pair of stretchy maternity jeans and a loose fitting green top.

I was going to get to that damn set and get back home even if it damn well killed me.

I open my phone and call Dean again. And, just like last time, there's an immediate answer. "What the hell happened last night?" Is the version of hello that I get.

"Long story. Where are you? Can you pick me up?"

"Uh, yeah. I'll get Cliff to swing by and get you. Is everything okay? You sound shaken."

"As I said. Long story." I say and hang up, simply sitting out the front as I wait for the car.

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