Chapter 20

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Season: 6

Episode: ...And Then There Were None


It's getting harder and harder to hide the rapidly growing thing inside me from my family. From size alone I'm limited to Sam or Dean's flannels rather than my usual tight fitted tees. But then there's the cravings, the late night snacks, the irregular sleeping patterns and most importantly - my lack of alcohol consumption. I tried to drink for the first few days, but this smart little fucker incubating inside me seems to know it's bad for them and makes me throw up every time I smell it.

I know I'm going to have to tell them soon, and I know that will be the end of hunting for me at least until the thing is out of me. And at this rate, that could be only weeks away. But, either way, the less they know the better. I don't want to give up hunting and I most certainly don't want them to hate me for sleeping with Cas and not saying anything for so far... six weeks.

"I thought this was a monster thing." I say as I eat the very sugary contents of a skittles bag I got from a nearby vending machine. Not my go to choice, I hate extreme bursts of sugar, it was the freak's. I refuse to call it my baby, or the baby, or child or anything that in any way humanises it. It isn't human. It isn't natural and it shouldn't be here.

Sam looks at me weirdly as I shove another handful in my mouth before looking back at his laptop. "Alright, here we go." Sam says as he access the security footage of the truck stop that just so happens to be the focus of our case. Trucker found to be the murderer of his wife, doesn't remember a thing. "Truck stop, night of the murders." He explains unnecessarily. We all know what it was.

"That's him." Dean points out as we all watch the video. "Hmm. Hello." He says as he lays eyes on a suspicious figure approaching. Sam presses pause and zooms in on her.

"Ugh." I comment, tossing my skittles to the side which I know I'll end up picking back up in three seconds anyway. "That's disgusting. What the hell is that?"

"Bobby?" Sam asks, looking over his shoulder. If I'm being honest, I completely forgot he was here.

"I've never seen that in my life. All those vamps and ghouls out on I-80 - maybe they're coming in for Mother's Day." He suggests and I frown. It's plausible I guess... the mother of all and all that Jazz. Well, mother to mother... I'm gonna kill her.

"Um...Okay, well, if that is big mama - whatever she is, we got zero on ganking her. So what are we gonna do if we run into her? Throw salt and hope?"

"It's gonna take angel power to kill something this... biblical. It's the Eve, Dean. If any of us stand a chance it's me. So I say, you guys run and I give it a shot."

"No." They all say and I groan, picking up my skittles again.

"We need to get info on this bitch before we run into her." Dean says simply before being caught off by the sudden urgency in the police station.

"Let's go." An officer says

"What's the ruckus?" Bobby asks to said officer.

"Guy just went postal down at the cannery."

"Maybe it's something in the towns water supply. I hear chemical warfare is big these days." I comment as I finish off the bag of skittles. Infant angel freak is not impressed with that.

"I'll go." Bobby pipes up before questions can be asked about my comment. "You guys finish up here." He says before leaving with the officer.


"Well, look what the cat dragged in." I say, climbing out of the impala. Dean got a call from Bobby telling us to meet at the Cannery and, to my surprise, here is none other than Rufus standing beside our father figure.

I'm pulled in for a hug from my friend and tense at how firmly he holds me. It's as firmly as it usually is, sure, but now I'm sporting a pretty big secret on my front side and a little pressure to my stomach is likely to reveal that. Thankfully, he says nothing. Whether that be because he didn't notice or if he noticed that I tended in such a way that screamed 'it's a secret'.

"It's good to see you, Rufus." Sam says as he follows behind me.

"I can believe it." Rufus nods. "It must get old dealing with this miserable cuss here all by yourself." I smile widely at him

"Is it that obvious?" Dean joins in, causing Bobby to get only slightly cranky.

"Why don't you four get a room." He says and I smile innocently.

"Let's just go. We have leads to chase." I say, patting Sam's back in a silent yell for him to come with me.

We walk slightly ahead of everyone, opening the doors to the Cannery. We all step inside and somehow, Dean manages to take the lead when another door opens, revealing a woman I don't know. I click a bullet into the chamber of my gun, ready to shoot.

"Gwen?" Dean asks, causing me to look at him. He knows this woman?

"Dean." She nods as a man appears behind her. Him I know. He... is a dick. I disregard the weapon. I was going to kill him with my angel side. That's what the bitch deserved. I step in front of Sam but he places a hand in front of me. In order to avoid him actually touching me and finding out that I've been lying to him, I begrudgingly stop short. Dean however has his gun raised.

"No, no, no, no! Hold on!" Sam says with urgency, trying to keep both his siblings at bay.

Samuel and I were now in a staring competition. My eyes filled with hatred, his with shock.

"Mary?" He asks suddenly, causing the brothers to look at me. They had gotten so used to my new do that they completely forgot that I was a spitting image of our mother now.

"Look, I've gone over this with Sam, Dean and Bobby. I'm not mom. I may look like her, and you may say I act like her or whatever, but I am not her. I am me. Amelia Jaimes Winchester. Now shut up or I'll let Dean shoot you."

"I take it you two know each other?" Rufus speaks up.

"He's our grandfather." I grumble, crossing my arms.

"Oh. Somebody needs a hug." My eyes snap to him after that comment and he immediately backs down.

"Why are you here?" Bobby asks

"Working. You?" Samuel speaks, causing my attention to snap back to him. "I thought I told you to shut the hell up."

"Mia." Sam scolds my I ignore him. Dean too goes off at Samuel, causing Bobby to get pissy. "Sam, take these two babies for a walk." He orders and I give him a shocked look as if I was a child that was just told i had my toys taken off me.

"You're kidding." Dean and I say, but Bobby's face remains the same. He wasn't kidding.

"It's fine." Sam says as he tries to guide us out the room.

"How?" Dean snaps but complies, leaving me to follow behind the two.

"What is wrong with you?" Dean snaps once we're out of the room. And by that I mean literally as soon as the door closes behind me. He didn't want to waste a single second.

"Look, maybe he knows something." Sam suggests

"You don't remember what he did, Sam. We do! He almost killed me!" I snap. I'm very snappy. Usually it's because of hormones but this time it's all Samuel's fault.

"I know. I'm not saying I remember what he did, I'm saying... not yet." Sam reasons with pleading eyes directed at me. "Wait here." He says as he walks back in, leaving a pissed off me and Dean waiting by the door.

Dean goes to speak up but I beat him to it. "I'm going for a walk. Alone." I say, adding the last bit when he moves to go with me.

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