Chapter 18

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Season: 6

Episode: A French Mistake


Cliff picks me up and takes me to the set with the guys where we get started on making the spell in the dark as to not draw attention. I do it in silence, not even sure I could bring myself to tell the guys what I found out last night. I knew I had to, but I couldn't.

The lights flick on, disorienting me slightly as I look around. "Woah. Head rush." I mutter, moving over to sit down on the chair with my fake name on it.

"We finish today in 12 hours if it kills us all. Get "a" and "b" cam for scene 12. What is this?" I hear the familiar fat guy say and I look up to see him. "Here for the first run-through, before anyone else? Dedication." He says, directed to Sam and Dean before turning to me. "Misha said you were too sick to work today."

"Oh I am." I fake a smile. Morning sickness was a bitch. I couldn't even think about eating. "I'm just here for... Misha." I say, hoping it's convincing.

"Uh, can I talk to you for a second?" Dean speaks up, getting bob's attention before walking off a little ways to talk to him.

During this time, my fake husband arrives, planting to his ass in the seat next to mine. "Hey." He says, kissing my cheek. "I thought I told you to stay in bed."

"Couldn't stay away." I shrug, looking away from him when I hear Dean return.

"So, bad news. Looks like we're gonna have to do a bit of acting." Dean says, causing my face to drain of colour again.

"What?" I say quickly.

"Not you, honey." Misha says, a hand being placed on my thigh. "Your scenes were cancelled for today. You should worry about getting the morning sickness under control."

"Wait, morning sickness?" Sam speaks up and I bitch face him. Thankfully, the conversation is cut short by a crew member with a clappy stick again.

""Supernatural" scene 36, take 8. Marker!" They call out, being responded with 'action' by the big guy.

Watching them act is hilarious. They have no idea what to do, they're all over the place. They're just down right bad. Not that I would be any better.

"Who wrote this?" Sam says as he looks over the script after yet another call for cut. "Nobody says penultimate."

"Gun. Mouth. Now." Dean says, making a finger gun 'go off' in his mouth. Honestly I couldn't relate any more than I already was.

"Moving on!" Someone calls and the three of us sigh in relief.

"Thank god." Dean says.

I glance to my side and notice Misha typing away at his phone. I raise an eyebrow as I watch him. "I-m-h-o, J and J had a late one last night." I give him a bitch face as he tweets it.

I roll my eyes and get up as he goes to extend the tweet... or reply... or whatever it is you do with tweets. I just go to help Dean and Sam instead.

"Okay, that it?" I ask as I wipe the residue blood from the sigil onto my pants.

"Yup." Sam says, and grabs my arm, pulling me with him as he and dean run at the fake glass. Hoping to land back in the real world. But of course, it's nothing more than the man crash mat and Sam holding me protectively. Shielding my stomach. Great.


"You know, being pregnant fucking sucks." I say as I walk up the steps to fake Sam's house. There is a lot of them. After the stunt the boys pulled this morning, Misha demanded I be in bed rest and so, with all directors and crew siding with him and determine that some time away from Sam and Dean (who they thought were on drugs) would be the safest option for me, I spent the rest of the day in my trailer, suffering immensely up until about midday where I just started gorging on the muffin basket left on my bed. But now it's late, and the boys have taken me home to them.

"Yeah, um, what's that about anyway?" Sam asks and I bitch face him. "Well, Sam. Obviously this me had sex with this Cas and fell pregnant. Is that a problem?" I snap. It's what I was thinking, yes, but I didn't mean to be that blunt.

"Uh- no..." He says as he opens the door to his house that is somehow bigger than mine.

"Good." I say as I step in, looking around at the living room. "Now, onto the Virgil problem you guys were telling me about. He's back?"

"Yeah, I was thinking. Maybe we can get on the police dispatch system..." Sam starts

"...and put out an A.P.B on Virgil." Dean finishes. "Might work, if he stays obvious."

"We don't have a lot of time." Sam says.

There's a scream from upstairs and on instinct, I go to grab my non existent angel blades.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" I hear who I recognise as Ruby yell as she runs to the balcony.

"What?" Sam asks, looking at her with the same alert face as me.

"Misha! He's been stabbed to death!" She cries out and I freeze. My fake husband, the fake father to my fake child... was dead. The fake me in me was mourning.

"Where?" All three of us ask, causing crying Ruby-not-Ruby to stop and stare at us in mortification. "Where!?"

"Yes," I snap, deciding to pull desperate pregnant wife-now-widow. "My husband was just stabbed to death, I'm carrying this child alone! I should be there! Tell me, goddamnit!" Huh... maybe I would be a good actor.

She stares at me, her eyes red and puffy. "He- He was killed in an alley near the set." She says before she starts walking down the stairs. The boys start walking to the door and I'm quick to follow but Ruby-not-Ruby stops me. "I don't think you should go. It would be better if you stayed here. The stress isn't good for the baby."

"Why is everyone telling me that!?" I snap as I shake off her hand from my arm. "I'm fine! I'm pregnant, not disabled!" Yes, I was projecting.. I was projecting all my worries that I had over not being able to hunt or even defend myself had I happen to be pregnant in the real world. But I'm not going to blame myself right now. I'm going to blame the stupid foetus in my womb that is causing my hormones and emotions to go crazy.

"Am- Jaclyn..." Sam says carefully, having stopped at my meltdown. "Stay here with Gen." thank god he gave me a name to work with. "Uh... Jensen and I will be back soon."

I death glare my twin but let him leave, subsequently leaving me alone with this...Gen person who I know nothing about

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