Chapter 3

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Season: 6

Episode: Caged Heart


"Enjoy your little cat nap?" I'm asked by a female voice that I don't know.

"Who are you?"

"Aw, your brothers didn't tell you bout me?" She pours and nods to the boys, tied in chairs by my bed. I go to sit up but my arms don't follow through. I'm tied up.

"You really think that rope is gonna hold me?"

"Considering the little toys your brother put on you..." she taps on the metal cuffs still tight on my wrists. "Yeah, I think it will. Thanks for that by the way Dean, if she was still full power, I'd be dead." She smirks at Dean's bitch face and Sam's for that matter. But Sam's is directed to Dean, not the attacker.

"Meg." Dean says. So she has a name... "I've been dying to see you again."

"Well here I am big boy, what should we do now?"

"How about I rip you to shreds."

"In front of your sister? Dean, I thought you were against that." Another bitch face. "But maybe later. First a little Q&A. Where's your boss?"

"Boss? What boss?" I ask, trying to sit up.

Meg laughs. "How in the dark have you kept her!? You've had her for a week now since her disappearing act and yet, she knows nothing still. Wow. You boys really do have trust issues."

A week? I've been asleep for a week?

The boys look at each other but say nothing.

"You think we work for someone?" Sam asks, acting too serious all of a sudden. Holy shit. He's bluffing. They're working for someone!

"I happen to know for a fact you've been juggling Crowley's orphans. Now where is he?"

"Wait, Crowley?" I speak up, again trying to pull at the rope. "You've been working for Crowley of all people!?"

"Hey, shut up for a moment, will you Mia?" Dean snaps

"Eat a dick. It's Amelia."

"Ooo. Family drama, I'm enjoying this more than I planned to." Meg speaks up and I glare at her. She gives me a kind of 'what are you gonna do about it?' Look.

"We don't know where Crowley is. Don't care either." Sam says

"You've been working his beat for months!"

"Doesn't mean we get face time."

Okay, so... when I get my ass out of these ropes, I'm killing this bitch and having a strong word with my brothers about working for a demon.

Meg straddles Dean and I raise an eyebrow.was she not joking about the uh... oh god she's a demon. She must be. Why can't I see her face? Oh, right, the cuffs.

"Where's he take all those things you snatch up for him?" She asks, inching dangerously close to his face. Why doesn't he just headbutt her? That's what I'd do. "I bet you an all day sucker that's where his majesty's holed up." Okay, ew.

Dean doesn't speak, he just glares at her. This causes her to get pissy and hold a knife to Dean's throat. It looks familiar...

"Hey, that's my knife!" I speak up but it isn't listened to.

"Okay, officially over the foreplay. Satisfy me, or I please myself." She says, making me want to throw up. Sam laughs, at first I thought it was because of my reaction but when I look at him, I realise it isn't.

"Something funny, Sam?" Dean grumbles

"Yeah, Meg." He found that funny?

"Really? Cause from where I'm sitting..."

"Don't worry, she can't do jack squat. She's totally screwed." I read Sam's mannerisms. Laid back, slight smirk. He's being serious. He's calling Meg's bluff.

"Sam, not helping!"

"Look at her, Dean! She's furious. If she wanted us dead, she would have killed us by now. And yet she hasn't even killed the biggest threat out of all of us." He glances over to me and I smile widely.

"Aw, you think I'm a threat? Thank you." I say and generally mean it. Does that make me a bad person?

"She's running." Sam continues.

"Am I?" The bluff game is strong in these two.

"Judging by the level of flop sweat on all of you, yeah. Which means you're running from Crowley. Which makes sense. Crowley would want to hunt down all the Lucifer loyalists now that he's the big man on campus."

"Hold up, I have lots of questions now." I speak up and Meg groans, pointing MY knife at me. "Shut up or I'll stab you."

"Do it." I smirk. She doesn't, but I know she's thinking about it.

"She can't kill us. She needs us to get her to Crowley so she can stick that knife in his neck. It's him or her."

I groan and lay back in the bed, zoning out on the conversation to focus on the ropes. All I need to do it's locate the knot... and start untying. If I can't to it that way, these cuffs are iron, I'm sure I'll break the rope eventually.

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