Chapter 24

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Season: 6

Episode: Frontier Land


Two more months of absolute bull crap. And by bull crap I mean I've been forced out of every single fight that lands our way. I've been put on desk duty. And I can't even have my usual whole bottle of alcohol to get me through it.

Though, for a day I got to fight again... kind of... when stupid, petty bloody Balthazar unsinks the damn titanic, causing me to not fall pregnant. Oblivious not pregnant me didn't mind it too much, not knowing what I was really missing. But the real me. The three month - looks like six months pregnant woman who wants nothing more than to bash Cas' head in was furious.

Speaking of, in walks the dick, followed by everyone else. Constantly on bed rest at Bobby's dusty place is very very annoying. "The nerve you have showing your face here, Castiel." I grumble as I pull myself up, grabbing my angel blade. He stops for a moment and stares at my form, at the loose fitting shirt that is doing a pretty decent job at keeping my ever growing bump hidden... mostly. "Hey!" I snap, pointing my weapon at him. "Eyes are up here, you don't get to look at what you did, bitch."

"Told you we should have stayed at Samuel's" Dean mutters, causing me to glare at him. "Don't get me started on you, Dean. You're the one that brought him here." I huff before walking to the kitchen, hoping to god that I'm not followed.

"Amelia." A gruff voice says from behind the fridge door as I search for something non-alcoholic to drink.

"Get lost, Castiel." I reply, moving beer bottle after beer bottle to pull out a carton of milk. I sniff the open container and immediately gag, leaning over the sink in case I throw up. That's when I feel the gentle hand brush against my face and pull my hair back.

"Why, Cas..." I say, looking down at the silver basin and my distorted reflection that accompanies it.

"I'm not sure I understand."

"Why everything? Why me? Why sleep with me? Why leave me with no explanation as to what the hell this baby is!? I don't know anything about it. I don't know the gender, when it's going to be born... I mean is it going to be next week? Next month? Next year!? And I'm too scared to go to an OB/GYN because what if the scan shows the thing has wings and a halo!" I need to stop myself from rambling on because god knows that I can most definitely ramble.

Cas stares at me, staying silent for a very long time. For a moment, I figured he just wouldn't answer. "The child is a girl." He starts and I tense, not expecting those words. "Healthy, growing quickly for her species - most likely because you too also possess grace. She will most likely come at the end of May. Not seeing a human doctor is wise, but she will most definitely not have a halo."

"Go." I say, leaning on my elbows and covering my face. I was about to have an emotional break down and I didn't want anyone seeing that. Especially not the angel who knocked me up in the first place. Without another word, I feel his presence leave me and I immediately start crying, sliding down onto the floor with my hands gripping my hair. I wasn't ready to be a mother, I wasn't ready to raise a freaking angel baby. And then there was Cas, who was most certainly hiding something because he completely ignored some of my questions, deliberately trying to distract me with overwhelming answers.

"MJ, hey." I hear after a good few minutes of straight out ugly sobbing. I look up to see my twin, walking towards me before sitting down. He doesn't try to pull me up or touch me in any way, probably because last time he tried he had a weapon on him and my daughter -holy shit, I was having a daughter- sent him flying across the room. "How you feeling?" He asks once in a comfortable position.

I stare at him through red puffy eyes. "I swear, the next person to ask that is getting a bullet up their ass."

"That good, huh?" I roll my eyes at his comment and look away, wiping my cheeks of drying tears.

"I don't know if I can do this, Sam." I admit, resting my head against the cupboard door behind me. "I mean, how the hell do you raise a literal angel baby?"

"I don't know." Sam admits, very slowly and carefully placing a hand on my knee in order to warn the baby that he's doing it and doesn't mean any harm. "But if anyone can, it's you. It's always been you."

I look to him with a light laugh and eye roll. "Bullshit."

"No, it's true. You've always been the strong one. You got out, you managed to stay out. The only reason you got back in was because we couldn't go on without you. I watched you kick down a metal door because you believed someone was in danger. I watched you double cross the devil himself. MJ, you are the strongest person I'll ever meet." He says and I'm crying again. He pulls me in for a hug which I accept. He lets me just sit there, crying, until I calm down.

"Now I hate to cut this short," He says as he pulls away gently so we can look each other in the eyes. "But we've found a way to kill Eve... and we kinda need Cas' help to do it."

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