Chapter 27

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Season: 6

Episode: Mommy Dearest


"Excuse me, hi. Is uh, Dr Silver in? My uh..." Dean points to me. "Sister is about a month from her due date and she's complaining of uh, problems." I give Dean a bitch face.

"And it takes two people to bring a pregnant woman to a doctor?" I'm amused by her comment and how it makes the two men squirm.

"He's the father." I point to Cas after a few more seconds of watching them suffer. "He insisted on coming but he can't drive."

"Well he isn't in. You might want to go to the hospital if you have concerns." She says with a forgiving smile before walking off.

"What kind of doctor calls the CDC and then goes awol the very next day?" Dean comments, walking up to the door and pulling out a lock pic. "Let's have a look." He comments as if this was a child's show and we had no idea what he was doing.

"Is this going to take a long time?" Cas asks impatiently. Dean stops when he notices something on the ground, looking back at us.


Dean bends down and touches his fingers to the pavement, pulling up to reveal blood. My face hardens as I follow him, he having noticed something further in. We get to the door and, present on the lock is more blood. Dean looks to me, as if questioning if I'll be fine.

I shrug in response. My squeamish senses were due to angel baby being able to see and tell everything around me as far as I could tell because usually i was fine with dead bodies and the smell. In both professions I've had, I've dealt with that. Then again, pregnancy does heighten senses be that a supernatural baby or no, so maybe it is me. Either way, Dean takes that as a go ahead, pulling open the door to reveal what looks to be a body wrapped in some sort of plastic.

"Is that the doctor?"

"The patient." Cas corrects as Dean pulls the plastic away, releasing all the foul smells along with it. It takes a lot of strength to not gag.

"What kind of doctor calls the CDC then stashes the gooey corpse in the shed." I groan and find myself resting my head against Cas' shoulder. Why the hell did he have to use such vivid imagery.

"I don't understand what's happening here." Cas says simply. From the way he tenses at my touch, I'm sure it had a double meaning.

"I know one thing. We need some kerosene."


"Okay, new plan. When the pregnant woman says she can't go in there or she'll throw up, listen. And then maybe you wouldn't have got arrested because I could have warned you the damn cops were coming." I snap after I manage to cut a head off of the last monster - bar one, Sam insisting that it be used for interrogation.

"And you are so goddamn lucky that I can still kick ass by the way or you'd all be dead." I drop the machete down and start uncuffing everyone, leaving Cas for last. Sam and Dean start dragging the hybrid into the small interrogation room where Bobby proceeds to chain and lock him up.

"Well, I'll say this, you're the healthiest looking specimen I've seen all day." Bobby comments after making sure the restrains are secure. Cas stands by the door, Sam, Dean and I through the glass.

"I take my vitamins."

"So you wanna tell us what's going on here? Hmm?" There's a pause, everyone waiting for a response. Heck, I'm convinced the baby was too because she gives a rather nasty kick to my upper stomach, just below my lungs. "So you boys are, uh, Eve's cleaning crew, is that it? You, uh- you come around to clean up the bodies? Make sure the word doesn't get out, huh? Is that why you snatched up the doctor?"

The monster sighs, as if he had all the time in the world. "You're so wasting your time. You stupid head of cattle."

There's banging from down the corridor, causing us all to jump to attention.

"More starships." Dean says, walking towards the sound. Sam and I are quick to follow, both ordering Cas to stay here with Bobby.

We walk down the hall, around a few corners and find ourselves in the holding cells.

"Holy crap." I breathe out as I see two kids, hog tied.

"You're Doctor Silver's boys." Sam says as he lowers his gun. The older boy nods, staring at us. I frown. I could have sworn bobby said there was a third...

"Alright, don't worry. We're gonna get you out of here, okay?" I say as Dean starts rattling the door.

"Right. Uh.. yeah." Dean says and walks off to get keys.

I glance at his leaving figure briefly before looking at the boys. They look terrified. Rightly so.

"Hey," I say softly, getting their attention on me rather than Sam. "We won't hurt you, okay? I promise. My name is Mia, this is my twin Sam." I nod to him. "And the man who just left... that's out big brother, Dean."

On cue, Dean returns with keys in hand. "Those cops... they're not coming back." Sam says as Dean starts opening the door. "Ever."

The door swings open and I'm first to walk in, ever so gently untying their gags and checking them over for injuries. "What are your names?" I ask, staying calm as the boys sit on either side of the two kids with worried expressions.

"Joe, this is Ryan." The oldest says, nodding to his younger brother. "You... didn't happen to find Sophie, did you?" So there was a third.

"No, not yet, but we'll look. I promise. Let's focus on you first though, okay?" He nods and I give a gentle smile.

"Hey Ryan, how you doing?" Dean speaks up to the younger boy who just looks away.

"He won't talk. Not since they came for us." Joe says when dean pulls a worried face. He didn't need to explain, we all knew what trauma could do to you. We've all experienced it. But he did anyway. He was standing up for his little brother. His first question was about his little sister. I frown deeply and look down at my stomach for a moment.

"Alright, listen Joe, were gonna get you out of those handcuffs." Dean says after a few moments of silence. I'm very grateful for how delicately the boys are treating this. "You understand what's going on around here, don't you?"

Joe gives a very slight nod and my heart breaks a little. I just wanted to hug him, hold him tight.

"So first we gotta make sure you're you." Dean continues and I know he's right but the thought of having to cut their perfect, undamaged, innocent skin with various knives makes more than one part of me uneasy.

"How are you gonna do that?"

"Well, there's a few... dozen tests." The boys look at each other with a sense of fear in their eyes. I can tell.

"But don't worry." I add, taking their hands and squeezing them. "It'll be over before you even know it. And I'll be here every second."

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