Chapter 16

36 2 0

Season: 6

Episode: A French Mistake


"Cut!" I hear someone yell, I look around, seeing that I've landed half on top of Dean and where on a massive blue pillow. Wait, is that a crash mat? I groan and hold my head as I sit up, looking between my brothers.

"Jared, Jensen, Jaclyn! Outstanding! That was great, just great!" I look worriedly to my twin before back to the environment around us. The very very fake environment.

""Supernatural,"scene one echo, take one. Tail slate. Marker!" Someone says as they slap one of those big clappy things at the camera.

I look around and try using my powers, try to fly away, try to do anything but it doesn't work. "Guys..." I whisper, my feet still planted to the place they were when I first stood up. "I'm powerless."

"So... no angels?" Sam asks with major confusion. We're all frozen to our spots. "No angels." I confirm with a slight nod before snapping to the attention of the big fat man in the chair.

"But that was great!" He yells

"'s not a problem with the stunt. It's a problem with the...signal." I hear the informant beside him say.

"Should we be killing anyone?" Sam asks a very valid question.

"I don't think so." Dean decides.


"Where?" I ask, still staring at the hustle around us.

"We can clean up, reset the window, takes about 95 minutes, basically. So, we'd have to blow off the scene where they sit on the impala and talk about their feelings." I hear them say and go to protest but they have us spot on. It's kind of creepy.

Sam nudges me after a moment of me staring, showing me and then Dean that the glass we just crashed through isn't actually glass. A dizzy spill rolls through me and I clutch my head. What the hell is going on?

"Jaclyn." I hear as someone grabs my arm, people having already whisked my brothers away. I go to ask what the hell theyre on about but I'm quickly sat down. "Are you sure you're okay to do the stunts? You don't have to, you know. We can get a stunt double."

"What?" I ask as I feel a cold cloth get placed against the back of my neck. I practically moan at how soothing the thing is.

"Well, you shouldn't be putting this much pressure on yourself."

"Why?" I was really confused at the woman in front of me, who the hell was she? Who the hell was Jaclyn?

"Oh, right. You don't want anyone to know just yet. Have you at least spoken to misha about it?"

"Misha?" I ask but it must go unheard because she just keeps talking.

"I can't believe you went to me before your own husband. I mean, I know I'm your costume designer and I kinda need to know to keep it a secret but he's your husband for Pete's sake."

"Right... um... where will I find misha?" I ask as I take the cloth from my neck.

"He should be outside waiting for you like always, honey." She says and I'm up, walking away with a half hearted thank you and -fortunately- stumbling into my brothers on the way.

"Hey! Hey!" I hear dean yell as I walk towards the two boys, looking so very very exhausted. I already miss the pamper treatment, though I didn't like the talking.

"What... im gonna be sick. I want to go home. I feel like this whole place is bad touching me." Dean says as he stares at the many many impalas. He was as pale as I was.

"It's bad-touching all of us." I say as I look around. "Honestly, I'm going to pass out."

"Yeah, don't do that." Dean says.

"What do you think? Cas?" Sam asks, trying to figure out what the hell was going on but mentioning Cas made me literally want to throw up.

"He's our best shot, if he's still alive." Dean says, starting a half assed prayer. "Dear Castiel, who art maybe running his ass away from heaven, we pray that you have your ears on. So... Breaker breaker..."

I roll my eyes and look away, my eyes landing on the angel in question. "Guys." I say and as soon as they realise he's there, were all walking over.

"Cas? Cas! Hey, Cas! Oh, thank god. What is all this, huh? W-w-what did Balthazar do to us?" Dean asks as we approach him

"To keep you out of Virgil's reach, he's cast you into an alternate reality, a universe similar to ours in most respects yet dramatically different in others." He says as he usually would but something seems ever so slightly off.

"Like - like Bizarro Earth, right? Except instead of having Bizarro Superman, we get this clown factory." I look at Dean weirdly.

"Um...Yeah, well...Anyway, no time to explain. Do you have the key?" He looks directly at me and it takes me a moment to register.

"Oh, yeah. Um, here." I say as I place the key in Cas' open hand. "So, uh, what does this thing do, anyway?"

"It opens a room."

"What's in the room?" Dean and I ask

"Every weapon Balthazar stole from heaven."

"And he gave it to me? The person with quite possibly the biggest desire to kill the bastard?" I as with a raised eyebrow

"To keep it safe until I could reach you. With those weapons, I have a chance to rally my forces." I frown as I listen to him talk

"Oh. Okay, good. Yeah. So, now, uh, what's the deal with all this tv crap?" Sam asks

"Pardon?" Cas asks, his voice doing a complete 180. He now sounds like what I assume a puppy would sound like if they had a voice. "Man, did they put out new scripts?" He asks as he flips through the pages in his hands.

"Great. He's a fake." I say, taking the script and looking through it myself. My eyes land on a name. Misha. "Oh crap." I mutter, too loudly, everyone can hear.

"Is something wrong, honey?" I hear misha ask, causing me to internally groan and look to my brothers who aren't my brothers.

"Honey?" Dean asks in a shocked and slightly cranky tone.

"De- Jensen, this is my husband. Misha." I say simply.

"Misha?" Dean questions the same way I did when I was first told. "Husband? Jensen? What's up with the names around here?" Gotta admit, I'm much the same.

"You guys." Misha laughs as he pulls out his phone from the trench coat pocket. "You really punked me. I'm gonna tweet this one." He starts typing away and I just stare at him in shock. "Hola, mishamigos..." He says, glancing at me with a smile before going back to writing. "J-cubed... got me good." I turn back to the guys with a desperate look that screamed 'what do I do'. "Really... starting to feel... like one of the guys." He finishes his tweet as I'm about to walk off but he grabs my hand, turning around and pulling me in for a kiss. It takes a lot to not recoil and punch his face. "I'll let you run your lines, see you tonight honey." He says before slipping off.

"What the hell was that?" Dean asks as we walk through the lot of trailers.

"I have no idea."

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