16 - Quicksave

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Taehyung shoves his phone into his jeans pocket and starts looking for Jimin and Yoongi – they are not hard to find, they have sat on the same bench for a week, just the two of them, leaving Taehyung with Hoseok

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Taehyung shoves his phone into his jeans pocket and starts looking for Jimin and Yoongi – they are not hard to find, they have sat on the same bench for a week, just the two of them, leaving Taehyung with Hoseok.

At the other end of the courtyard, Yoongi is thoughtfully staring at the horizon, and Jimin is next to him, focused on his phone. Taehyung quickly breathes in and finally stops in front of them, coughing to mark his presence.

Jimin looks up and smiles slightly. Yoongi barely acknowledges him, and does not move. "Hum, hey," Taehyung awkwardly states. "Can we talk?" Jimin moves closer to Yoongi, so his best friend can sit near him, which he does silently. "So, what's up?"

The smaller boy laughs grudgingly, locking his phone and answering bitterly, "Seriously, Tae? What's up?"

"Sorry, I just don't know how to do this. I just came to apologise," he tries again. "I shouldn't have talked to you like this the other day. I don't want us to be mad at each other. I need you."

"You don't care about me," Jimin pouts, though he does not seem that angry.

"I do care about you, and you know that. I'm just a stupid geek who cannot see how lucky he is to have you." Taehyung pokes Jimin's side and chuckles as the other teenager starts. "Come on, I miss you. There's nobody to call me a dumbass and talk about boys with me." He glances at Yoongi and adds, "I tried, but Yoongs got uncomfortable."

"I don't do guys, sorry," their older friend mutters.

"Do you even do anything?" Jimin replies with a smirk.

Taehyung concentrates on Jimin again and continues, "So, do you want to come over at my place some day?" His friend winces. "We won't play video games, I promise. I know you don't like them. And you suck at them anyway."

"Tae...," Jimin starts. "You know that even if I wanted to come, which is not sure, I couldn't."

"You don't want to come?"

"I don't know. I just feel like I don't know you anymore. You're so... distant." Jimin shrugs. "Well, it's not even an issue, because my parents wouldn't let me. You know I can't have any boys over, or sleep over at any boy's place. It's been like this ever since we've told our parents we were gay. Except your parents were much more supportive."

"They're gay themselves, technically," Yoongi observes cynically.

"Anyhow," Jimin cuts off, glaring at his older friend, "I'm not allowed to come."

"But you're my best friend!" Taehyung protests.

"Are we even still sure about that?"

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