19 - Reload

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Taehyung is lying on his king-sized bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to the heavy rain pounding on the roof, his phone right next to his ear. His best friend is on speaker.

Jimin sounds tense on the other line. Taehyung knows he is still resentful about the argument they had at school. But he also knew Jimin would come back to him. He always does, eventually.

Thus, Taehyung notices his classmate's sarcastic tone when he asks, "So? Yoongi's not at your place? How peculiar."

"No, he's not. Actually, he's not been coming for a week straight. I don't know what happened. Maybe it's getting better at home."

"Do you miss him?"

"It's okay. I don't need him to have a good time and play video games." As Jimin does not answer, he makes an effort to add, "And that way, I get to talk to you on the phone."

He almost hears Jimin blush. He just knows what to say to please him – it is as easy to make Jimin smile as to make him upset.

Apart from this, and even if he does not seem that worried, Taehyung actually wonders what is going on with Yoongi. They have barely spoken at school, and he indeed has not asked to crash at his place. Even Taehyung's mother has found it weird, given the number of times she has enquired about Yoongi's reasons for not coming back.

Jimin rambles on the phone, Yoongi totally forgotten, and tries to get Taehyung to agree on going out with him next weekend, if the weather allows it. As his best friend is about to reply, he distantly hears the doorbell ring. Too lazy to get up and welcome the postman or whoever that was, Taehyung satisfyingly hears his mother's quick footsteps, and focuses on Jimin again.

Mrs Kim gets the door, trying to readjust her apron and dust some flour off her hands. She gasps when she notices the state in which her visitor is.

The young boy is soaking wet, probably because of the rain outside. But most of all, he has got a black eye and blood dripping from his mouth, let alone a few bruises on his pale, bare arms.

Mrs Kim automatically reaches out to touch his face, whispering in an appalled tone, "Yoongi, what happened to you?"

Her son's friend shudders under her touch but does not try to dissuade her. He looks up to catch her widened eyes and mumbles back, his jaw clenched, "It's my mom. She got out of control and I... mistakingly answered back." He licks his lips, grimacing as he tastes blood, and resumes, almost bitterly, "I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be here, but it's the only place I can–"

The housewife in front of him does not give him time to finish and she darts forward, hugging the boy, securing him in her wide embrace. He closes his eyes and manages to relax a little, brushing her pink sweatshirt as he holds her too.

When she parts from him, she smiles sadly and beckons him to come in, closing the door behind him.

"I didn't want to disturb you, I only wanted to see Tae."

"He's in his room," she replies carelessly.

"Oh. I'll go see him then–"

"Only after we take care of this."

"Sorry?" Yoongi frowns.

"Come here."

Seokjin makes him sit on the couch, and quickly comes back from the bathroom with a first-aid kit and a towel. She sits next to him and says, "Dry your hair, or you'll get sick. Tae will lend you clean clothes when you get to his room." Then she asks, pointing at his face, "Is there more than this?"

"No, she just– It was just my face." He takes the towel and rubs it onto his dripping hair.

Mrs Kim nods, and opens the kit, taking out cotton and cream. Yoongi stands still and lets her apply the latter around his left eye and on several spots of his arms. She then cleans the blood on the corner of Yoongi's mouth and on his chin.

"Why didn't you come earlier if the situation at home was that bad?" Taehyung's mother asks, taking the boy's cold hand.

"I didn't know if I could. If you wanted me to."

Mrs Kim is suddenly speechless and blushes, looking away from the young boy. She focuses on putting the first-aid kit back together, and shrugs, trying to forget about what he is referring to. "This is not related. You need to be here, it's where you feel safe. Right?"

"It is. You make me feel safe." She bites her lips and refuses to look at him. "Thank you for doing this, Seokjin. You don't have to."

"Of course I do," she whispers, quivering as he used her first name. Mrs Kim seems to gather some strength and catches his gaze, "I do," she repeats, "because I care."

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