27 - God mode

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Taehyung is overexcited

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Taehyung is overexcited. Even though his father has just left, food is surely a thing that can lift up his spirits. He is so glad Yoongi is coming, if it means cake and whipped cream. Suddenly he has forgotten all about his friend not talking to him for a week. That is just what food does to him.

His mother has been busy cooking the evening before Yoongi got there. He casually gets in the kitchen about two hours after his text to Taehyung – he no longer rings the house bell and lets himself in now. 

"Hi, sweetie!" Mrs. Kim greets him with a soft smile. "How have you been this week?"

Yoongi is quite confused – why was she talking like this to him, as if he were, well, Taehyung's friend? Seokjin intently stares at him and points at the open living-room door, where Taehyung must be.

"Oh, hello, ma'am," Yoongi answers loudly, faking a formal and polite tone. But meanwhile, he gets closer and closer to Mrs Kim, as he keeps shouting, "Yes, I've been very busy."

He gets behind her, and she instantly stops stirring the mixture in the bowl in front of her. Yoongi puts his hand on the woman's hips, and goes on, "I'm sorry I had to leave so abruptly the other day. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye and thank you."

Even though he was much smaller than her, he manages to plant a series of inaudible kisses on her shoulder. She shudders under his touch. "Did you all have a good time with Mr Kim?" he says, speaking up once more. But he adds almost immediately, in a whisper, "Because I'm going to make you forget all about him tonight."

Seokjin turns around to face him, speechless, and Yoongi pushes her against the table, making her slightly lean backwards. He holds her chin and steals a kiss from her, and smirks. "How much do you want this?" he murmurs.

"Too much," Seokjin breathes. She pushes him away, worriedly glancing at the living-room door. "Please behave."

Yoongi is forced to obey, but only after he made Seokjin kiss him once more. He reluctantly joins Taehyung, who is still talking to his online friend, and Yoongi feels excluded, as usual. But he cannot stay in the kitchen, he fears to appear suspicious. Taehyung barely talks to him, and if he does, he just mentions cake or Yoongi's newly dyed blue hair.

After dinner, which Yoongi has spent ogling at Mrs Kim, licking his spoon in a very suggestive way, and making sure to compliment her for every dish, the oldest student leaves his friend's room, once he fell asleep, and rushes toward the kitchen. He quickly opens the fridge, getting the half-empty whipped cream bottle, and gets to Mrs Kim's room.

He does not bother to knock, and opens the door. Seokjin is only wearing panties – Yoongi can already feel a small arousing in his stomach. Taehyung's mother takes her glasses off, putting her book down, and smiles to him. She points at the bottle in his hand, "What's that?"

Her lover closes the door and indicates, "Well, you didn't ask me to bring it for nothing, did you? I think we could use it efficiently."

Seokjin chuckles and lets Yoongi snuggle against her chest, before petting his hair and whispering, "You're a dirty boy, Min Yoongi."

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