Chapter 15

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Brackenkit couldn't help but sigh in annoyance as she attempted to pull herself up, yet another jolt of pain shooting down her spine. Pink scars crawled down her back, yet small, they stung like the Dark Forest.

"I'll never get up at this rate." The tortie hissed to herself, attempting to shuffle her hind legs into a crouch. It failed miserably, as she fell into the moss once again.

Brackenkit ached all over. She begged to be back with her brothers, playing moss ball all day, feeling the warm sun on her pelt. In the medicine den, she was confined. It was highly claustrophobic, the roof low and dense, the only light coming from the entrance of the den and a bramble thicket which had holes in it.

"Come on Brackenkit!" The kit shouted to herself in encouragement. Pulling up her shoulders, she dragged her paws side by side, slithering out the nest. Hind legs trailing uselessly behind her, Brackenkit bent a hind leg and gripped it into the ground.

Slowly but steadily, the kit stood up. She hid the pain she was feeling rippling down her spine and continued shaky steps out the den.

"Didn't expect you to recover so quickly." A happy purr made Brackenkit come unfocused and tumble back to her haunches. The dark grey pelted Darkwing was heading towards her, a relaxed look on her features.

"Well I'm getting there." Brackenkit looked up at Darkwing, who nodded with interest. The kit could see that Darkwing's amber eyes never broke contact.

They were filled with interest and curiosity.

"Although I can't wait for my apprentice ceremony!" Brackenkit smiled widely. Due to the recent events, she had forgotten that she had pretty much turned five moons and was almost an apprentice.

"Yes, that will be good." Darkwing purred, her tail tip curling. "I remember when I became an apprentice, alongside your mother and her brother, Cherrypaw."

Brackenkit's mouth twitched. She'd never known Rubblestep had had a brother. She'd question her about that later.

A small laugh emitted from Darkwing. "You'll have a fun day, I promise you."

Of course I will! Brackenkit felt an amount of satisfaction fun through her. Running through the forest, feeling the wind lap at her pelt, luscious grass in her paws. Brackenkit couldn't stifle a gasp at that.

"I'll see you round, kitto." Darkwing purred, her grey tail flicking from side to side. "Looks like Rowanface wants a patrol running."

Following Darkwing's steps, Brackenkit winced as she saw Rowanface, her pinky-ginger tail spiking up and twitching with annoyance as she snapped at Reedpaw.

"Leave my son alone!" A loud yell filled the clearing. The kit flattened her ears against her head. The noise was too loud for her.

Hareleap was there, the creamish-goldenish cat striding across the clearing, even if her pelt was slightly bedraggled and scuffed, she still gave off a grandeur of fear and grief. Brackenkit wondered how two emotions could be shown like that.

Reedpaw cowered under his mother's paws, her giving him a reassuring lick on his muzzle.

"It's fine." Hareleap reassured to her older son. "I won't let her hurt you."

Her eyes walked back up to Rowanface, who scowled. At this point, that scowl had become permanent. Since Rainkit and Leopardkit were born.

"I forbid Reedpaw to train with us! He is scum, the offspring of a traitor!" Rowanface snarled, practically towering closer to Reedpaw as he took a shaky step back.

"B-but I'm fully B-bir-chCl-an." Reedpaw stuttered, forcing his words out as Hareleap shot a glare towards the deputy. The tension was high in the air now, and the queen ushered the apprentice back many fox-lengths, before she retreated back to Rowanface.

𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐰'𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐠𝐞 - seasons of revenge - book threeWhere stories live. Discover now