Chapter 21

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The black and white tom growled in slight frustration as the fish jumped right between his hooked claws. Maybe it was a skill he would have to improve on later. His jaws parting into a yawn, Whitestrike gazed over the shimmering river, suddenly put into shock when he noticed the scraggly fur of a tortoiseshell cat floating down the river.

Their face was pretty maimed, too. Trying not to gag, he submerged into the shallows of the river, his muzzle grasping onto a tangle of fur.

"Holy StarClan, this is just a kit!" He meowed, in slight shock. What had happened to the poor thing?

Quickly he tugged at her - he'd now worked out that the kit was a she-cat - and brought her to the shore. A flurry of paws flashed behind him, and he panicked, shielding the tortie.

With a gasp of relief, he realised it was just his Clanmate, Robintail.

"What's that there?" The brown tabby asked, gesturing to the kit. The tuxedo hesitantly picked her up, and gave her to Robintail.

"Why me?" Robintail groaned, her voice slightly muffled. "Is that your job now, Whitestrike. Instead of fishing fish out the river, we're fishing kits now?"

Whitestrike shook his head, placing his tail on his Clanmates back. Although the joke was lighthearted, he couldn't find the humour while there was a kit potentially at risk.

"We need to get her to Featherstem."

"So you've assumed the kit is a she?" Robintail gawked loudly. She flicked her tail, bounding strides.

"Well, all calico's are she-cats-"

"You didn't have the right to assume!" He didn't have time to finish before Robintail butted in again. Sometimes, her annoyance got on his nerves.

It was soon before they'd passed through the barren grass fields of their territory, that they came to the glade which sheltered their camp. There was a slight mew, and both cats looked down to see the kit begin to stir and open her eyes.

" Where am I?" As Whitestrike looked down, she seemed to give him a green stare. The scars on her face wrinkling as she squinted from the bright sunlight.

"You're in QuailClan." Robintail answered honestly. "I'm Robintail, and this is my mate Whitestrike."

Whitestrike flushed. He didn't think the brown tabby and white warrior would be so exact to the point, but his mate was quite blunt and stubborn.

"QuailClan?! No! I can't be!" The tortoiseshell kit yelped quite loudly, alerting some of the cats in the Clan. They turned their heads, eyes mystified at the new cat in camp.

"What happened to you?" An immensely sweet voice filled the clearing, the voice of grey tabby Featherstem. She was one of the best medicine cats the Clan had. The kit seemed to stop squirming, relaxing in Robintail's grip.

"Could you let me go please?" The firm grip was beginning to tug at Rainkit's scruff. She was confused as to why she was in QuailClan, but the grey tabby seemed like a nice cat. Robintail let go willingly.

The crowd of three watched as Rainkit stood in a crouch, and it became apparent that another wound was plastered across her side.

"That was from weeks ago." Rainkit remarked, noticing their stare.

"What about this?" Featherstem our her paw underneath Rainkit's chin, examining the scars, yet not showing a single bit of unwavering in her blue eyes. "This should still be wrapped in herbs."

"Ah." Rainkit said, looking up. "I took it off. Only this morning."

"Why did you do that?" Featherstem's voice turned slightly serious. The medicine cat had no idea how a cat, let alone a kit had ended up with such injuries like this.

"Just did." Rainkit shrugged. She'd only just met this cat, but didn't want to spill anything.

Whitestrike interrupted for a second, glancing down at Rainkit with a concern. "How'd you get those injuries kit, and what's your name?"

Rainkit eventually sat down, her damp fur weighing her down. She was still shaking from falling into the river, but looked back up at her surroundings. All around her was dry grassy lands, a slight ridge guarding the camp they were in. It was obvious these cats were struggling. Their ribs protruding underneath their pelts, Robintail's not as much. But heck, their personality outshone it completely.

"I attacked another kit after she kept on taunting me. I didn't know what I was doing, this cat, he told me that I had to make cats respect me by getting authority. Then he attacked me, so then I know what a 'real attack' is."

Robintail looked like she was going to be sick. What kind of cat would do that?

"Who was this cat? We'll shred him." Whitestrike clenched his jaws, and unsheathed his claws.


The three cats froze.

A/N: So Rainkit's ended up in QuailClan! And I'm already enjoying writing in these new characters. What do you think of QuailClan so far?

See ya <3


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