Chapter 30

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Cats ears pricked up with alarm and panic when they heard the scream. It was quite familiar to Featherstem at this point.

Some were casually eating prey from the fresh-kill pile, which was a small dip in the ground with various sorts of prey there. The medicine cat remembered that she would need to deliver food soon to her patients in the medicine den.

But the scream made her forget all that.

"Who's that?!" Troutsplash, a ginger and white tom asked, his green eyes glittering with worry. Shaking her head, Featherstem ran ahead of him, accidentally almost running into one of Yarrowbreeze's kits.

"Don't ask anything, just follow me." Featherstem warned firmly, and Troutsplash nodded, lowering into a cautious crouch. The grey tabby knew the shriek belonged to Rainkit, and that her brother was in that den too.

The brown tabby had been in the medicine den the past few sunrises, at the same time Rainkit had been brought into QuailClan, so he'd have no idea about her.

"Jaggedstrike leave her alone!" Featherstem shouted as she lunged into the den, worrying he may have harmed the kit. But instead, her brother was sat tall, on edge and his ears pricked up.

"I- I didn't do anything." The warrior responded honestly, and almost puzzled. His amber eyes were angled at Rainkit the slightest, who was puffed up to twice her size, pressed against the wall, claws unsheathed.

"So that's the kit we brought in from BirchClan." Troutsplash remarked from behind her, moving around on his paws to try and get a better view of the tortoiseshell kit. She narrowed her eyes, gesturing him to be silent.

"Do they have them fighting at barely an age, when they are hardly weaned off their mothers bellies?" The ginger and white tom muttered under his breath, getting another harsh glance off the medicine cat.

"What's wrong, lovey?" Featherstem said gently to Rainkit, coming forward a couple of steps. Jaggedstrike tensed beside her, shuffling back awkwardly.

"He thinks he can trick me." Rainkit spat hardly, her teeth gritted together as her green eyes pierced into one specific area.

"Who?" Featherstem barely followed on as she moved aside to see where Rainkit was glaring. Right at her brother.

"Duststar. I don't want to go back to BirchClan yet." She growled.

"I was only saying that maybe you would want to go back." Jaggedstrike inputted, tilting his head to the side.

"You're not helping your case. And he's not Duststar!" Featherstem shook her head in confusion, but Rainkit nodded vigorously, flitting her paw to the right.

"He is!"

"I'm not!" Jaggedstrike took a step forward, staring at Rainkit for a couple of heartbeats. "Are my eyes green?"

Rainkit, with another glance, seemed to scan Jaggedstrike's face. The tension was heavy in the air as the tortoiseshell eventually sheathed her claws, sitting down and blinking slowly.

"They were before." She murmured, a hint of shame and humiliation her voice as she looked down to the floor.

"It's fine kit. Jaggedstrike can look quite fearful at first glance." Troutsplash said casually, purring in laughter as Jaggedstrike gave him a glare.

Hesitantly, Featherstem moved to the shelf at the corner of the den, searching for a certain herb. Eventually locating it, she brought out a small branch of thin, smooth dark green leaves with a comforting smell. To add to that, she crushed some purple lavender flowers beneath her paw, mixing the scent of lavender with some of the dark leaves which she picked off the branch.

Clasping then in her mouth, she approached Rainkit, who was warily pressing herself against the wall again. She scented the familiar herbs, and relaxed visibly.

There was a huge sigh, which came from Jaggedstrike, who walked to the left of the den, and dragging his nest a little away from Rainkit, giving her some space.

"Just to give her some space to breathe." Jaggedstrike remarked as he moved the nest, and the grey tabby twitched her ears, dropping the herbs in front of Rainkit's muzzle.

"Thyme and lavender. Cures shock." Rainkit murmured as she obediently lapped down the herbs, walking back to her nest and curling up.

"I think you hallucinated quite a bit there Rainkit." Featherstem said sternly, and Rainkit looked somewhat apologetic. She flattened her ears, looking up at Featherstem once more.

Raw scars still were displayed on Rainkit's face, but they seemed to be closing up eventually, despite the amount of times a leaf wrap had been put on and pulled off her face.

"I thought he was Duststar. Jaggedstrike did look quite a bit like him." Rainkit said quietly, and a wash of homesickness overcame her instantly. Even if Duststar was in BirchClan, her family was there. Hareleap was probably feeling destroyed, and her and Leopardkit weren't that close, but still. Maybe Pondpaw was thinking about her too. Yet the dread of Torrentpaw still looked over her, yet she'd come to that hurdle when she reached it.

"I'll be home eventually." Rainkit thought, curling up in her nest, tail tip fluttering against her nose.

She just had to wait a bit longer.

A/N: Onto chapter 30 already! I can't thank everyone enough who's voted and commented, otherwise I probably wouldn't be motivated enough to get this far in this story. I'm going on holiday in a few weeks, so I hope uploads can be more consistent before then.

See ya in the next chapter!
- Ember <3

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