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Same day

I can't believe I let him go. The way he was pleading I knew not to argue with him any longer but for some odd reason there is this pain in my chest. A pain that has been there since he was carried out of this room.

I let him go yet why am I feeling this way? Why am I so angry? He is just someone that is there to please me yet it does not feel like that one bit.

He is special to me and I know that but to admit that out loud and to admit how special he is, is what scares me the most. I do not know why I am so afraid of such trival things but I still am.

I have never felt this way about anyone, no god or goddess has been able to perk my interest but since he walked into those doors for the first time I knew there was just something about him. I wanted to make him mine then and I want to make him mine now. I cannot specify why since I still seem to be in a daze as to why but I think I can slowly figure it out.

I get up from the floor and kick around the things that I had thrown around.

After he left, in a fit of anger I threw whatever I could and in the end I ended up throwing everything to the floor and messing up the whole room.

Who is he to think that he can barge into our room and take him?

Taehyung belongs to me and no one else has the right to take him from me. Not when I want to know what in Olympus is happening.

I want to know what was happening. Did I cause that pain? I did not do anything wrong yet he seemed to be in so much pain while near me. But I am in pain being without him. I need him near me.

Ever since the incident of me getting out of control and hitting Aries, me and Tae have not separated for long. I was never able to let him out of my sight or away from my side for too long. So to not have him here and knowing that he does not want me seems to hurt.

I usually would not care for such things but this makes me feel so many emotions which I did not think I had anymore. Emotions that I had long burried so I will never have to feel them again but he has awoken them all and without him beside me I do not know how to deal with it.

Another sound of thunder rips through the sky as I make my way to the empty and cold bed. As I am about to lay my head on the bed the door creaks open to reveal a small splotch of sunlight and a radiating smile.

"Hi Jungkook, how are you doing?" He asks sweetly as he closes the door and makes his way over to me.

I let out a groan, why is he here?

"Is that anyway to treat a friend who has come to help you?" He asks as he jumps onto the bed next to me and I immediately let a growl and he jumps right back off.

This is mine and Tae's bed no one else is allowed on it.

"Woah woah, never mind." He gives me a side glance and decides to take a seat on the chair near the bed that I had broken the handles of out of frustartion.

"So Joon had only told me the gist of what had happened, mind filling me in on the details?" He asks while looking at me waiting for me to answer. But I do not want to talk about it just thinking about it hurts.

I choose to ignore him and I hear him let out a fustrated sigh.

"Come on Jungkook. How can I help when you wont even open up to me?" I still ignore him even though he is pleading but it seems like he was not taking my silence as an answer.

I feel my back start to heat up and at first it was fine that I did not worry much about it but as the seconds ticked by the heat increases until I feel that my back on fire. I quickly turn around and throw a lightning bolt in his direction but he doges it quickly and moves to the other side of the room.

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