Entry Nine: What am I becoming?

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Entry Nine: What am I becoming?

Seething with fury, I pushed my wings to their limits, keeping my eyes peeled for the flash of white that would signify Frank's arrival. Somehow I knew he would face me, and if he refused, I would keep calling until he didn't have a choice. I continued to mentally scream his name as loudly as I dared.

A driving rain began to lash down from the angry sky, but I ignored the pelting drops and continued to fly recklessly into the storm. I could have picked no better backdrop for my current mood, the sky matched the raging torrent of emotions that were flowing through me.

Lightning split the air, and that was when I saw Frank soaring his way down to me, his beautiful wings leaving a spray of raindrops behind him. Once the sky darkened again, I lost sight of him, but I made a beeline for his last location. My fingertips elongated into a set of hooked claws, and I screamed my fury to the heavens.

"Face me you coward!" I projected my voice as loudly as I could to be heard over the incessant storm.

"Gerard - please just listen to me. I can explain everything if you just give me the chance." I barely heard Frank's voice over the howling wind, but my ears were sharper than they had been when I was alive, and I was able to pinpoint where he was hiding.

I shot upward into the dark clouds, and there he was, sodden and dripping with water, but still stunning. I shook my head to try and rid myself of these thoughts. I was furious with Frank, and this was no time to be checking him out.

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say!" I roared as I threw myself at him recklessly. He was faster than I expected, and he managed to unsheathed his broadsword and block my claws before I could do any damage.

"Gerard - I don't want to fight you. Please don't make me do this," Frank pleaded.

"Shut up!" I screamed as I attempted another swipe at him, which he easily swatted away.

I was severely outmatched, I mean - Frank did kill demons for a living, but I was beyond caring, so I flung myself at him again and again. He didn't ever attempt to strike back at me, he only dodged and parried every blow I threw at him.

"Gerard - please calm down! I am so sorry about your brother..."

"Don't talk about him!" I renewed my attack in earnest, bolstered by the mention of Mikey.

I actually managed to cut deeply into Frank's left arm, blood joined the rain in its free fall to earth, and I relished in the senseless violence. My vision began to go red at the edges, and I lost all sense of who I was and what I was doing. All I knew was that I wanted to kill...to rip, and tear, and shred, until my dark needs were satiated.

"Gerard - I know this isn't you. You aren't like this! You know you really don't want to hurt me, so please stop this!"

"You don't know what I am!" I snarled fiercely as I chased after Frank's retreating form.

Who did this fool think he was to speak to me like he understood me? I was death incarnate, and he should be cowering before me!

"You are being ridiculous - that's what you are!"

Finally fed up with me, Frank reversed course and barreled in my direction. I smirked in satisfaction and prepared for his oncoming attack, but the blow never came. Instead, Frank tossed his sword aside and wrapped his surprisingly strong arms around me, trapping my wings at my side and leaving me incapable of flight.

We plummeted downward at an alarming rate, but Frank refused to let me go. I struggled to free myself, but I found it impossible to escape the vise of his embrace. Helplessly trapped, I bellowed my fury to the sky.

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