Chapter 1: Raven and Rose

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Raven's glossy black hair swings loosely around her shoulders. She was supposed to be wearing it braided to avoid it tangling but she never failed to pull it out to let it fly behind her while she ran. Especially on warm summer days.

Rose giggled as she followed her twin, her red braids swinging side to side as she attempted to catch up.

The girls were exactly the same build, thin with evidence of curves to come in mere years. They matched height and their faces were perfect; almond shaped eyes with long black lashes and small noses and beautiful smiles. Coloring was the only way they differed. Raven had black straight hair and green eyes while Rose had red ringlets and bright blue eyes.

The thirteen year olds were mature and well mannered but while on their own they loved to let loose and play. Tag was a favourite, after a long afternoon of gathering fruit they loved to race home.

Raven stopped abruptly before the final bend,
"Stop here Rose! You need to fix my hair!"

Rose obliged, happy to have reason to break. She set her basket down and proceeded to rebraid Raven's hair.

"Do you think mother will be feeling better Rose?"

"I certainly hope so. The tea the healer gave her this morning is supposed to better her. It should help her eat again."

Raven nodded,
"But what if it doesn't work? Do you think Father will put up with us? Tim told me his father told him he may marry us off early!"

Rose's eyes widened,
"That is absurd. Girls are at least allowed to wait until 16 before marriage and most have until 18!"

Raven put her hand on her hip.
"I know. But father only farms because of mother. He would easily unload us to be able to chop wood again."

Rose scrunched up her nose,
"Well let's just hope mother is better."

Their Father's loud voice bellowed,
"Girls! Git-here now!"

The girls exchanged long stares. Their Father was home early! He would be furious no food was ready. The girls had adjusted to picking up their mother's work on top of their usual chores. But this was the first time he was at their small home before them.

Rose gathered up her basket and they quickly hastened towards their father.

His large frame hunched up at the door barring the twins from passing into the home,
"I'm hungry, where have you been? You don't always have to do everything together!"

Both girls exchanged sheepish looks,
"Yes father!" In usion they replied.

He peered at them frustratedly as he took a swig from his alcohol canister, strong moonshine stunk up his breath. It was no secret to the girls that he wanted a son. The birth of the twins destroyed his wife's ability to have more children. So the twins grew up serving him but received little love from their father.

Raven straightened her posture as she squeezed past him and entered into the kitchen. Rose followed and both girls hurried to stoke the fire to quicken the soup and baking bread.

The  tiny cabin was stuffy as the medicine healer had sealed up the windows in an attempt to keep their mother warm. From the corner of the room the twins could hear their mother dry heave. It had been weeks since she consumed food and in the last few days even water was being refused. She no longer could communicate with them.

"Set a fourth spot. Your uncle arrives shortly." Their Father spoke gruffly, not moving from his spot to face the twins.

Both girls exchanged looks. Fear emitted between them. A few years prior their mother had banned their uncle from the cabin without their father's knowledge.

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