Chapter 10: Before The Game

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Rose led them to a secluded spot beside a wide lake. She used her magic to sheild the space.

She got off her horse and the men followed. Mark was about to speak but she interjected,
"We all have had a busy day tomorrow. I know you all have questions. We can deal with those on the ride back. Right now it is impediment that we focus solely on the quest at hand. I understand my past is twisted. But it still vines out towards me with an intention to damage my future. That man is not good and now this quest may be jepordized. Garth, should I expect any more surprises?" Emotion tugged at her despite her intent to be firm.

Yes. He thought almost sorry, instead he answered,
"No. None at all."

"Good." Rose opened her bag and withdrew a bar of soap. She snapped it in four chunks and passed it out,
"My uncle is associated with a Black Witch. I don't sense her magic here but as a procaution you will have to wash yourselves and the horses incase there is a hidden enchantment. I will set up the tents and a fire while you do." 

They nodded solomely. Rose busied herself setting a fire and magically scanning the bags to ensure no magical device had be added without notice. Something deep in Mark's pack went off. Confused she reached in and pulled out a small satchel embroidered with the Royal Crest. She remembered the King's speech, this was the item to pass along for the princess in exchange. She studied the pendent momentarily. It was solid gold with 3X's. She replaced it in the pack.

Rose sighed. Tonight had reminded her that Mark was Prince first. She had to protect him, not be worried about what he thought of her. He belonged with a princess, not a retired whore.

She set the tents up than sat down to watch the fire.

The men soon regrouped by her. They were redressed but the cooler air made their teeth chatter. She tried to smile pleasently but she felt worn out. They had definitely talked about her but right now she didn't even care. Brent would fill her in if necessary. She passed them each a soup. The group was silent. Garth stood and stretched,
"Well bed time now. We 'ave kidnapping tomorrow! And Rose, my apologies. I didn't mean to pry. I am at your mercy my dear."

She nodded in agreement but didn't speak. She knew he was untrustworthy. Mark stood beside her,
"Try to sleep well. Your uncle seemed.. not right.."

She gave him an honest smile,
"He most definitely is not right."

The men headed to their tents. They could hear Brent and Rose talking lightly.

"A hug darling?"

"Yes please, Brent."

"Dirty fuck of a man, you did well against him."

"He isn't scary to me anymore. It is much better having magic to back me against him though."

Brent chuckled,
"Aye, I wish I had magic when I am around him. He is a dark fellow."

"He would treat you better is you hadn't burned Jasper Lounge to the ground."

They both giggled.

Silence passed, presumably they were still hugging... Or kissing Mark considered jeolousley. Did she say Jasper Lounge? He thought back to his nights watching the Red Angel. Could Rose be connected to her? He mentally slapped himself. Red was a crush. A prince can't fall in love with a stripper. No matter how wonderful she kisses...

He sighed. He would meet his wife tomorrow. He never saw her in real live but there was a picture of her younger self. She was brunette with plain brown eyes. He hoped they would get along. His mind wandered back to Red though before he could stop it.

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