Chapter 5: Planning

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Mark stretched up awake.

Beside him in a separate sleeper Garth snored away. He always slept dead to the world until 6am. Then like clockwork he would be up and at it.

The Prince on the other hand tossed and turned, the forest was still a discomfort to him despite previous questing. He quietly left the tent, grabbing his shirt. He continued down to the fire, rolling his shoulders as his muscular chest rippled in relief. He felt eyes on him and he looked up to catch Rose's eyes on his muscular stomach. She caught his eyes and quickly refocused on the pot in front of her, a tinge of red fleeting across her cheeks.

He smirked to himself as he pulled his shirt over his head. He could never complain when a beautiful woman checked him out. It was going to be a good day!

He sat on the log beside hers and smiled at her. She gave him a sweet but slightly guilty one in return,
"Coffee is just about ready, and porridge is done."

He noticed the flame was weak but the meal boiled away evenly. He raised his eyebrow towards her,
"Are you using magic?"

Her lips formed a light "oh" and she caught his look, her cheeks lighting up with a brighter blush,
"Um.. yes.. the fire was taking a while to start so I decided to.. help.. it along?"

"That's fascinating!"

The Prince opened the lid on the porridge to examine the bubbling mix and grinned at her,
"I have never seen magic being used before! Is it hard to use?"

Rose tilted her head in thought,
"It takes a lot of practice. Blue magic is simple to learn, like cooking here. It comes fairly naturally. Black magic is hard to and can leave permanent damage. White magic is hardest, but if learned it is very effective, especially against Black Magic. If you use Black magic you can not use White Magic so it is important to avoid Black Magic all together."

He nodded,
"Amazing. Black magic is what makes witches bad right? They poison people and all that?"

"No and yes. Some witches will use it for wrong. Often they have been crossed in such a way they seek it for revenge. Or worse they are brought up as children to use it.

But some witches have mastered Black Magic to an extent so that they can remove damage caused by other Black Magic users. They are incredible witches because they have essentially sacrificed themselves to save others.

When you have been injected with Black Magic you can not undo it yourself. It's commonly referred to as being cursed. The Black Magic masters will undo the curse but typically you have to do them a favour in return. They hold onto good but because of the Black Magic they can be.. accidentally reckless..." She smiled at the Prince, he listened to her word for word,
"Wow, that's crazy. Me and my siblings love studying magic. It's obviously terrifying stuff but also amazing too!"

Rose laughs tingley,
"Black Magic is definitely is scary stuff. And very few can learn White. Blue magic is fun though. It's simply elemental; wind, fire, water and earth based."

Mark nod again,
"Do you know White?"

She shakes her head, a deep look of sorrow in her expression,
"No. I am trying to learn it. I promised a Black Witch I would. But I am poisoned by a Black Magic spell I performed wrong so it makes White Magic harder to use. Witches are not allowed to use both."

His eyes widened,
"You used Black Magic?"

"My uncle tricked me and my sister into performing a dark spell when we were young. It's can't be reversed. I can still learn White but it is much harder now. I am still mastering Blue."

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